Diffusion of innovations
Diffusion Theory
Diffusion theory is a model that explains how innovation is spread and adopted throughout a society. Adopters of innovation are categorized as innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards. The Diffusion of Innovation model was developed by Everett M. Rogers, and uses an S-curve to graph the adoption of an innovation. Diffusion theory is used in many disciplines to explain trends, economic patterns, health and medical concerns and technology innovations. This model is an important part of change management and contains four key elements:
1. What is the innovation?
2. How is it communicated?
3. The idea is transmitted over time
4. The idea is diffused to members of the society
Adopters of innovation experience five stages of diffusion:
1. Knowledge - awareness of the idea and perceived benefit
2. Persuasion – convinced of the value of the innovation
3. Decision – judgment to adopt the innovation
4. Implementation – enacting the innovation
5. Confirmation - acceptance or rejection of the innovation
-- Jim Wright 13:41, 24 June 2007 (CDT)
The Innovation
New innovations follow a pattern of development. The steps include identifing a need or problem, researching and developing a solution, commercialization of the innovation, and spreading of the new idea. Once an innovation is adopted, certain consequences follow. These consequences are discussed at the bottom.
For any new idea to diffuse effectively there must be a relative advantage for using the new innovation. The innovation must be compatible with existing systems and can not be too complicated. It helps if a user can try the innovation themselves. Ultimately, there must be an improvement from the old way of doing something in order to expect the idea or technology to spread. 22:43, 2 July 2007 (CDT)
Communication Channels
The Social System
Opinion Leaders are individuals who lead in influencing the opinions of others. Their behavior is important in determining the rate of adoption of an innovation in a system.
The Hypodermic Needle Model suggested that mass media had direct, immediate, and powerful effects on a mass audience. Examples included were the Spanish-American War, Joseph Goebbels, and Madison Avenue. The model was ultimately viewed as too simplistic, mechanistic, and too gross to accurately measure the effects of mass media. It also ignored the role of opinion leaders.
The Two-Step Flow Model suggests that communication flows from a source, via mass media channels, to opinion leaders, who in turn pass it on to followers. A study of the 1940 presidential election in Erie County, Ohio discounted the effects of mass media in voting decisions. The first step in this model is a transfer of information from the media to an opinion leader. This is followed by a spread of interpersonal influence. This model does not tell us enough. There are more than just two steps in a flow of communication, but the model focused communication study upon the study of opinion leadership.
Homophily and Heterophily
Homophily is the degree to which pairs of individuals who communicate are similar. The similarities can be things like beliefs, education, socioeconomic status, etc. Communication is generally more effective when source and receiver are homophilous. Heterophily is the degree to which pairs of individuals who interact are different in certain attributes. Heterophilous networks often connect two cliques, thus spanning two sets of socially dissimilar individuals in a system. Homophily accelerates the diffusion process, but limits the spread to those who are closely connected. Ultimately, the diffusion process can occur only through communication links that are at least somewhat heterophilous.
Measuring Opinion Leadership and Network Links
1. The sociometric method consists of asking people whom they sought for information or advice about a given topic. This is usually a highly valid measure of opinion leadership. A large number of respondents is needed to ensure validity.
2. An alternative to using sociometry to identify opinion leaders is to ask key informants who are especially knowledgeable about the networks in a system. This technique is almost as accurate as the sociometric method, but requires fewer respondents.
3. The self-designating technique allows respondents to indicate the degree to which others in the system regard them as influential. This method obviously depends on the accuracy with which respondents can identify and report their images.
4. Opinion leadership can be measured by observation, in which an investigator identifies and records the communication behavior in a system. This method is typically very accurate, but it can be obtrusive. Also, the members of a system who are being observed might act differently because they know they are being observed. This method has not been used often.
Consequences of Diffusion
Many innovations cause both negative and positive consequences. The adoption of new ideas within a social system can produce desirable or undesireable changes. Some changes have direct or indirect consequences. While others cause anticipated or unanticipated consequences. The main purpose of diffusion is to maintain dynamic equilibrium which is the ability to cope with the amount of change that is being diffused. 22:26, 2 July 2007 (CDT)
Rogers, E.(2003). Diffusion of Innovations, 5th Edition. New York: Free Press.
Brown, Lawrence A.(1981). Innovation Diffusion: A New Perspective.Methuen, NY.