User:Mary Ash

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Revision as of 10:04, 17 October 2010 by imported>Mary Ash
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© Image: Photo by Mary Ash
Photo of my brown tabby shorthair cat Andy. He was about 13-years-old when this photo was taken. He's also my first kitten that I raised.

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Mark Twain found at Wikiquote under the Creative Commons 3.0 license.

wikiHow Barnstars


Kind wikiHow Contributor
For being kind and caring when others make a mistake, and for always helping when others need help. -- Maverick-97

On 18:42, 18 June 2009

Jack H said:

New Article Booster's Barnstar
The goal of New Article Boost is to improve new article quality and to boost the spirits of initial authors by letting them know their efforts are appreciated. Thanks for spreading wiki love by writing hand written notes to new contributors and diligently improving the articles that you find in NAB. -- Jack H 18:42, 18 June 2009 (GMT)
New Article Booster's Barnstar
You are a fantastic editor! Keep up the great work!

Recent Changes Award

On 10:57, 4 May 2010

Dave Crosby said:


Thanks Dave! This MEANS a lot! I am honored to join the ranks of honored patrollers.

Articles I've Written


Patrol Count {{#PATROLCOUNT:}}

My Famous wikiHow Delete nominations that ended up at wikiHowl


  • Military brat
  • Former Republican Women's Club president
  • Retired journalist
  • Professional cooking experience as a short order cook
  • Old, tired and retired wikiHow contributor
  • Married 30 plus years to a Vietnam era war draftee
  • Married to a Mechanical engineer who loves to build stereo speakers for a hobby.
  • Mother to two special needs children
  • Avid gardener who believes in Xeriscaping
  • Cat owner and feline friend

My biography

There has been some discussion about the removal of my biography from my user page. I removed my biography once the new charter was in place as the new charter allows users to edit their own user pages as they see fit. I edited mine. Once it was shown that there may be some issues with this, based on the fact that no one realized the disappearance of biographies could take place on personal user pages, I immediately returned my biography until the situation is resolved. I did this as I do believe that it was the best for Citizendium which I am a proud member.

The reason why I believe so strongly about the allowing the removal of biographies (or resumes) on user pages is in the interest of personal safety. It has been long encouraged to safeguard personal information when using the Internet. I subscribe to this school of thought. The placement of concentrated personal information in one location could open me, and my family, up to potential risk. I value my personal safety and my family's safety above all else. I do not want to become a victim of identity theft.

I can remember long ago when the Internet was a much smaller place and everyone knew almost everyone else. Back in the "good old days" emails used to be placed online for all to see. Today, email addys are hidden to prevent spam and to promote privacy. The same could be written for the placement of personal CZ biographies. The Internet is no longer a small cadre of fellow Netziens. It has grown to become a large worldwide commercial enterprise.

Finally, the powers that be have read all personal information when an applicant applies for CZ membership. Along with this personal information is a biography or resume. This should be proof enough for all concerned.

The best way to handle the situation is to allow the option of emailing personal biographies or resumes if so requested by a registered CZ member.

Just some thoughts....


Volunteerism and Respect

What does it mean to volunteer? It means to give something freely. Volunteers are not required to do anything, nor should demands be made upon them, as they offer skills without remuneration. Volunteers are not paid employees. Volunteers should be treated with respect and encouraged.


All volunteers, and just about anyone else, should be treated with respect and courtesy. No one likes to hear (or read)

  • You MUST
  • You WILL
  • You SHOULD

What people do like to hear (or read)

  • Please could you help me...or would you like some help?
  • Thank you for helping you did a wonderful rewrite on that article
  • You are welcome for offering to help
  • Why don't we give this a try

Just some thoughts....