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Fisheries Protection vessel Vigilant.

The Vigilant was an armed 3rd class cruiser employed as a Canadian Great Lakes Fisheries protection vessel.[1] The prefix CGS stands for "Canadian Government Ship" - not to be confused with the more recent CCGS for Canadian Coast Guard Ship.

The Vigilant was built at the Polson Iron Works.[2]

Built: 1904, Polson Iron Works, Toronto
Length: 175 ft (53.34 m)
Beam: 22 ft (6.71 m)
Draft: 10 ft (3.05 m)
Tonnage: 396 tons
Power plant triple expansion steam engine, 65 horsepower
Sold: 1924
Scapped: 1956


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Ships of the CCG 1850-1967, Canadian Coast Guard, 2008-03-31.
  2. Michael B. Moir. Polson, Franklin Bates, Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Retrieved on 2012-03-22. “The steady advancement of the business led to its incorporation on 23 Oct. 1886 as the Polson Iron Works Company of Toronto Limited, with William as president and Franklin as secretary-treasurer.”