CZ:Cold Storage/List of academic journals: Difference between revisions

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imported>Kevin Joel Berland
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imported>Kevin Joel Berland
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'''African-American Studies'''
'''African-American Studies'''

*[[''African American Review'' ]]
*[[''Callaloo'' ]]
*[[''Journal of African American History'' ]]
'''African-American Studies'''
*[[''Journal of Negro History'' ]]
*[[''Journal of Black Studies'' ]]
*''[[African American Review]]''
*[[''Journal of Blacks in Higher Education'' ]]
*[[''Journal of Negro Education'' ]]
*''[[Journal of African American History]]''
*[[''Phylon'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Negro History]]''
*[[''Transition'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Black Studies]]''
*''[[Journal of Blacks in Higher Education]]''
*''[[Journal of Negro Education]]''

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'''African Studies'''
'''African Studies'''

*[[''Africa: Journal of the International African Institute'' ]]
*''[[Africa: Journal of the International African Institute]]''
*[[''African Affairs'' ]] (previously Journal of the Royal African Society)
*''[[African Affairs]]'' (previously Journal of the Royal African Society)
*[[''African Arts'' ]]
*''[[African Arts]]''
*[[''African Economic History'' ]]
*''[[African Economic History]]''
*[[''African Issues'' ]]
*''[[African Issues]]''
*[[''African Languages and Cultures'' ]]
*''[[African Languages and Cultures]]''
*[[''African Studies Review'' ]]
*''[[African Studies Review]]''
*[[''ASA Review of Books'' ]]
*''[[ASA Review of Books]]''
*[[''Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London'' ]]
*''[[Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London]]''
*[[''Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines'' ]]
*''[[Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines]]''
*[[''History in Africa'' ]]
*''[[History in Africa]]''
*[[''International Journal of African Historical Studies'' ]]
*''[[International Journal of African Historical Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of African Cultural Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of African Cultural Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of African History'' ]]
*''[[Journal of African History]]''
*[[''Journal of African Law'' ]]
*''[[Journal of African Law]]''
*[[''Journal of Modern African Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Modern African Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of Religion in Africa'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Religion in Africa]]''
*[[''Journal of Southern African Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Southern African Studies]]''
*[[''Transition'' ]]

Line 68: Line 72:

*[[''American Antiquity'' ]]
*''[[American Antiquity]]''
*[[''American Journal of Archaeology'' ]]
*''[[American Journal of Archaeology]]''
*[[''Anatolian Studies'' ]]
*''[[Anatolian Studies]]''
*[[''Archaeological Reports'' ]]
*''[[Archaeological Reports]]''
*[[''Athenian Agora'' ]]
*''[[Athenian Agora]]''
*[[''Britannia'' ]]
*[[''Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research'' ]]
*''[[Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research]]''
*[[''Hesperia'' ]]
*[[''Journal of Cuneiform Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Cuneiform Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of Field Archaeology'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Field Archaeology]]''
*[[''Journal of Hellenic Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Hellenic Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of Near Eastern Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Near Eastern Studies]]''
*[[''Hebraica'' ]]
*[[''Journal of Roman Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Roman Studies]]''
*[[''Latin American Antiquity'' ]]
*''[[Latin American Antiquity]]''
*[[''Near Eastern Archaeology'' ]]
*''[[Near Eastern Archaeology]]''
*[[''World Archaeology'' ]]
*''[[World Archaeology]]''

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'''Architecture & Architectural History'''
'''Architecture & Architectural History'''

*[[''APT Bulletin'' ]] (Association for Preservation Technology)
*''[[APT Bulletin]]'' (Association for Preservation Technology)
*[[''Architectural History'' ]]
*''[[Architectural History]]''
*[[''Architectura - Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der Baukunst'' ]]
*''[[Architectura - Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der Baukunst]]''
*[[''Assemblage'' ]]
*[[''Design Issues'' ]]
*''[[Design Issues]]''
*[[''Garden History'' ]]
*''[[Garden History]]''
*[[''Gesta'' ]]
*[[''Grey Room'' ]]
*''[[Grey Room]]''
*[[''Hesperia'' ]]
*[[''Journal of Architectural Education'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Architectural Education]]''
*[[''Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians]]''
*[[''Perspecta'' ]]
*[[''Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture'' ]]
*''[[Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture]]''
*[[''Winterthur Portfolio'' ]]
*''[[Winterthur Portfolio]]''

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'''Art & Art History'''
'''Art & Art History'''

*[[''African Arts'' ]]
*''[[African Arts]]''
*[[''American Art'' ]]
*''[[American Art]]''
*[[''American Art Journal'' ]]
*''[[American Art Journal]]''
*[[''Apollo - The International Magazine of the Arts'' ]]
*''[[Apollo - The International Magazine of the Arts]]''
*[[''Archives of American Art Journal'' ]]
*''[[Archives of American Art Journal]]''
*[[''Art Bulletin'' ]]
*''[[Art Bulletin]]''
*[[''Art Education'' ]]
*''[[Art Education]]''
*[[''Art Journal'' ]]
*''[[Art Journal]]''
*[[''Artibus Asiae'' ]]
*''[[Artibus Asiae]]''
*[[''Artibus et Historiae'' ]]
*''[[Artibus et Historiae]]''
*[[''Athenian Agora'' ]]
*''[[Athenian Agora]]''
*[[''Burlington Magazine'' ]]
*''[[Burlington Magazine]]''
*[[''Dumbarton Oaks Papers'' ]]
*''[[Dumbarton Oaks Papers]]''
*[[''Garden History'' ]]
*''[[Garden History]]''
*[[''Gazette de beaux-arts'' ]]
*''[[Gazette de beaux-arts]]''
*[[''Gesta'' ]]
*[[''Hesperia'' ]]
*[[''Histoire de l'art'' ]]
*''[[Histoire de l'art]]''
*[[''Jewish Art'' ]]
*''[[Jewish Art]]''
*[[''Journal of Aesthetics And Art Criticism'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Aesthetics And Art Criticism]]''
*[[''Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts]]''
*[[''Journal of Design History'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Design History]]''
*[[''Journal of the American Institute for Conservation'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the American Institute for Conservation]]''
*[[''Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians]]''
*[[''Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes]]''
*[[''Leonardo'' ]]
*[[''Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft'' ]]
*''[[Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft]]''
*[[''Master Drawings'' ]]
*''[[Master Drawings]]''
*[[''Metropolitan Museum Journal'' ]]
*''[[Metropolitan Museum Journal]]''
*[[''Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin'' ]]
*''[[Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin]]''
*[[''Metropolitan Museum Studies'' ]]
*''[[Metropolitan Museum Studies]]''
*[[''Muqarnas'' ]]
*[[''October'' ]]
*[[''Oxford Art Journal'' ]]
*''[[Oxford Art Journal]]''
*[[''PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art'' ]]
*''[[PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art]]''
*[[''Studies in Art Education'' ]]
*''[[Studies in Art Education]]''
*[[''Studies in Conservation'' ]]
*''[[Studies in Conservation]]''
*[[''Winterthur Portfolio'' ]]
*''[[Winterthur Portfolio]]''
*[[''Woman's Art Journal'' ]]
*''[[Woman's Art Journal]]''
*[[''Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte'' ]]
*''[[Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte]]''

Line 154: Line 158:
'''Asian Studies'''
'''Asian Studies'''

*[[''Asian Folklore Studies'' ]]
*''[[Asian Folklore Studies]]''
*[[''Asian Survey'' ]]
*''[[Asian Survey]]''
*[[''Asian Theatre Journal'' ]]
*''[[Asian Theatre Journal]]''
*[[''Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London'' ]]
*''[[Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London]]''
*[[''China Journal'' ]]
*''[[China Journal]]''
*[[''China Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[China Quarterly]]''
*[[''Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR)'' ]]
*''[[Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR)]]''
*[[''Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies'' ]]
*''[[Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies]]''
*[[''Indonesia  (journal'' ]]
*''[[Indonesia  (journal]]''
*[[''Journal of Asian Studies'' ]] (formerly Far Eastern Quarterly)
*''[[Journal of Asian Studies]]'' (formerly Far Eastern Quarterly)
*[[''Journal of Japanese Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Japanese Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of the American Oriental Society'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the American Oriental Society]]''
*[[''Modern Asian Studies'' ]]
*''[[Modern Asian Studies]]''
*[[''Modern China'' ]]
*''[[Modern China]]''
*[[''Monumenta Nipponica'' ]]
*''[[Monumenta Nipponica]]''
*[[''Oceanic Linguistics'' ]]
*''[[Oceanic Linguistics]]''
*[[''Pacific Affairs'' ]]
*''[[Pacific Affairs]]''

Line 176: Line 180:

*[[''American Journal of Archaeology'' ]]
*''[[American Journal of Archaeology]]''
*[[''American Journal of Philology'' ]]
*''[[American Journal of Philology]]''
*[[''Athenian Agora'' ]]
*''[[Athenian Agora]]''
*[[''Britannia'' ]]
*[[''Classical Journal'' ]]
*''[[Classical Journal]]''
*[[''Classical Philology'' ]]
*''[[Classical Philology]]''
*[[''Classical Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Classical Quarterly]]''
*[[''Classical Review'' ]]
*''[[Classical Review]]''
*[[''Greece & Rome'' ]]
*''[[Greece & Rome]]''
*[[''Harvard Studies in Classical Philology'' ]]
*''[[Harvard Studies in Classical Philology]]''
*[[''Hesperia'' ]]
*[[''Journal of Hellenic Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Hellenic Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of Roman Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Roman Studies]]''
*[[''Phoenix'' ]]
*[[''Transactions of the American Philological Association'' ]]
*''[[Transactions of the American Philological Association]]''

Line 196: Line 200:
'''Eighteenth-Century Studies'''
'''Eighteenth-Century Studies'''

*[[''1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era'' ]]
*''[[1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era]]''
*[[''XVII-XVIII'' ]]
*[[''XVIII vek'' ]] (Institute of Russian Literature, St. Petersburg)
*''[[XVIII vek]]'' (Institute of Russian Literature, St. Petersburg)
*[[''Achtzehnte Jahrhundert'' ]] (Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des achtzehnte Jahrhunderts)
*''[[Achtzehnte Jahrhundert]]'' (Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des achtzehnte Jahrhunderts)
*[[''Achtzehnte Jahrundert und Österreich'' ]]
*''[[Achtzehnte Jahrundert und Österreich]]''
*[[''The Age of Johnson'' ]]
*''[[The Age of Johnson]]''
*[[''Annales Jean-Jacques Rousseau'' ]]
*''[[Annales Jean-Jacques Rousseau]]''
*[[''Blake - An Illustrated Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Blake - An Illustrated Quarterly]]''
*[[''British Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies'' ]]
*''[[British Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies]]''
*[[''De Achttiende Eeuw - Doucumentatieblad van de Werkgroep Achttiende Eeuw'' ]]
*''[[De Achttiende Eeuw - Doucumentatieblad van de Werkgroep Achttiende Eeuw]]''
*[[''Dix-huitième siècle'' ]]
*''[[Dix-huitième siècle]]''
*[[''Early American Literature'' ]]
*''[[Early American Literature]]''
*[[''Eighteenth-Century Fiction'' ]]
*''[[Eighteenth-Century Fiction]]''
*[[''Eighteenth-Century Ireland / Iris and dá chultúr'' ]]
*''[[Eighteenth-Century Ireland / Iris and dá chultúr]]''
*[[''Eighteenth-Century Life'' ]]
*''[[Eighteenth-Century Life]]''
*[[''Eighteenth-Century Novel'' ]]
*''[[Eighteenth-Century Novel]]''
*[[''Eighteenth-Century Scotland'' ]]
*''[[Eighteenth-Century Scotland]]''
*[[''Eighteenth-Century Studies'' ]]
*''[[Eighteenth-Century Studies]]''
*[[''Eighteenth Century Theory And Interpretation'' ]]
*''[[Eighteenth Century Theory And Interpretation]]''
*[[''Eighteenth-Century Women'' ]]
*''[[Eighteenth-Century Women]]''
*[[''Goethe Jahrbuch'' ]]
*''[[Goethe Jahrbuch]]''
*[[''Hume Studies'' ]]
*''[[Hume Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of the Early Republic'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the Early Republic]]''
*[[''Kant-Studien'' ]]
*[[''Lumen'' ]] (Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies)
*''[[Lumen]]'' (Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies)
*[[''Persuasions'' ]] (Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America)
*''[[Persuasions]]'' (Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America)
*[[''Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie'' ]]
*''[[Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie]]''
*[[''Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700'' ]]
*''[[Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700]]''
*[[''Restoration and 18th-Century Theatre Research'' ]]
*''[[Restoration and 18th-Century Theatre Research]]''
*[[''Revue Montesquieu'' ]]
*''[[Revue Montesquieu]]''
*[[''The Scriblerian'' ]]
*''[[The Scriblerian]]''
*[[''Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture'' ]]
*''[[Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture]]''
*[[''Studies in English Literature 1500-1900'' ]]
*''[[Studies in English Literature 1500-1900]]''
*[[''SVEC'' ]] (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century)
*''[[SVEC]]'' (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century)
*[[''Swift Studies: The Annual of the Ehrenpreis Center'' ]]
*''[[Swift Studies: The Annual of the Ehrenpreis Center]]''


*[[''American Educational Research Journal'' ]]
*''[[American Educational Research Journal]]''
*[[''American Journal of Education'' ]] (formerly School Review)
*''[[American Journal of Education]]'' (formerly School Review)
*[[''Anthropology & Education Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Anthropology & Education Quarterly]]''
*[[''Art Education'' ]]
*''[[Art Education]]''
*[[''British Educational Research Journal'' ]]
*''[[British Educational Research Journal]]''
*[[''British Journal of Educational Studies'' ]]
*''[[British Journal of Educational Studies]]''
*[[''British Journal of Sociology of Education'' ]]
*''[[British Journal of Sociology of Education]]''
*[[''Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation'' ]]
*''[[Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation]]''
*[[''Child Development'' ]]
*''[[Child Development]]''
*[[''Cognition and Instruction'' ]]
*''[[Cognition and Instruction]]''
*[[''College English'' ]]
*''[[College English]]''
*[[''Comparative Education'' ]]
*''[[Comparative Education]]''
*[[''Comparative Education Review'' ]]
*''[[Comparative Education Review]]''
*[[''Curriculum Inquiry'' ]]
*''[[Curriculum Inquiry]]''
*[[''Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis'' ]]
*''[[Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis]]''
*[[''Educational Researcher'' ]]
*''[[Educational Researcher]]''
*[[''Educational Studies in Mathematics'' ]]
*''[[Educational Studies in Mathematics]]''
*[[''Elementary School Journal'' ]]
*''[[Elementary School Journal]]''
*[[''English Journal'' ]]
*''[[English Journal]]''
*[[''European Journal of Education'' ]] (formerly Paedagogica Europaea)
*''[[European Journal of Education]]'' (formerly Paedagogica Europaea)
*[[''Higher Education'' ]]
*''[[Higher Education]]''
*[[''History of Education Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[History of Education Quarterly]]''
*[[''History Teacher '' ]]
*''[[History Teacher ]]''
*[[''International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft / Revue Internationale de l'Education'' ]]
*''[[International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft / Revue Internationale de l'Education]]''
*[[''Journal for Research in Mathematics Education'' ]]
*''[[Journal for Research in Mathematics Education]]''
*[[''Journal of Aesthetic Education'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Aesthetic Education]]''
*[[''Journal of Blacks in Higher Education'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Blacks in Higher Education]]''
*[[''Journal of Economic Education'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Economic Education]]''
*[[''Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics]]''
*[[''Journal of Educational Measurement'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Educational Measurement]]''
*[[''Journal of Higher Education'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Higher Education]]''
*[[''Journal of Negro Education'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Negro Education]]''
*[[''Journal of Research in Music Education'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Research in Music Education]]''
*[[''Journal of the Learning Sciences'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the Learning Sciences]]''
*[[''Learning Disability Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Learning Disability Quarterly]]''
*[[''Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development'' ]]
*''[[Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development]]''
*[[''Music Educators Journal'' ]]
*''[[Music Educators Journal]]''
*[[''Oxford Review of Education'' ]]
*''[[Oxford Review of Education]]''
*[[''Peabody Journal of Education'' ]]
*''[[Peabody Journal of Education]]''
*[[''Reading Research Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Reading Research Quarterly]]''
*[[''Review of Educational Research'' ]]
*''[[Review of Educational Research]]''
*[[''Review of Research in Education'' ]]
*''[[Review of Research in Education]]''
*[[''Sociology of Education'' ]]
*''[[Sociology of Education]]''
*[[''Studies in Art Education'' ]]
*''[[Studies in Art Education]]''
*[[''Teaching Sociology'' ]]
*''[[Teaching Sociology]]''
*[[''TESOL Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[TESOL Quarterly]]''
*[[''Theory into Practice'' ]]
*''[[Theory into Practice]]''
*[[''Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German'' ]]
*''[[Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German]]''

Line 288: Line 292:
'''Film Studies'''
'''Film Studies'''

*[[''Cinema Journal'' ]]
*''[[Cinema Journal]]''
*[[''Film Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Film Quarterly]]''
*[[''PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art'' ]]
*''[[PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art]]''

'''First Nations, Native American, Indian Studies'''
'''First Nations, Native American, Indian Studies'''

*[[''American Indian Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[American Indian Quarterly]]''
*[[''American Indian Culture And Research Journal'' ]]
*''[[American Indian Culture And Research Journal]]''
*[[''International Journal of American Linguistics'' ]]
*''[[International Journal of American Linguistics]]''
*[[''Wicazo Sa Review'' ]]
*''[[Wicazo Sa Review]]''

Line 304: Line 308:
'''History - General'''
'''History - General'''

*[[''African Economic History'' ]]
*''[[African Economic History]]''
*[[''American Historical Review'' ]]
*''[[American Historical Review]]''
*[[''American Journal of Legal History'' ]]
*''[[American Journal of Legal History]]''
*[[''Church History'' ]]
*''[[Church History]]''
*[[''Comparative Studies in Society and History'' ]]
*''[[Comparative Studies in Society and History]]''
*[[''Economic History Review'' ]]
*''[[Economic History Review]]''
*[[''Eighteenth-Century Studies'' ]]
*''[[Eighteenth-Century Studies]]''
*[[''English Historical Review'' ]]
*''[[English Historical Review]]''
*[[''Ethnohistory'' ]]
*[[''French Historical Studies'' ]]
*''[[French Historical Studies]]''
*[[''Hispanic American Historical Review'' ]]
*''[[Hispanic American Historical Review]]''
*[[''Historical Journal'' ]]
*''[[Historical Journal]]''
*[[''History and Theory'' ]]
*''[[History and Theory]]''
*[[''History in Africa'' ]]
*''[[History in Africa]]''
*[[''History of Education Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[History of Education Quarterly]]''
*[[''History Teacher'' ]]
*''[[History Teacher]]''
*[[''History Workshop'' ]]
*''[[History Workshop]]''
*[[''Imago Mundi'' ]]
*''[[Imago Mundi]]''
*[[''International Journal of African Historical Studies'' ]]
*''[[International Journal of African Historical Studies]]''
*[[''International Journal of Middle East Studies'' ]]
*''[[International Journal of Middle East Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of African American History'' ]]
*''[[Journal of African American History]]''
*[[''Journal of African History'' ]]
*''[[Journal of African History]]''
*[[''Journal of American History'' ]]
*''[[Journal of American History]]''
*[[''Journal of British Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of British Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of Contemporary History'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Contemporary History]]''
*[[''Journal of Economic History'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Economic History]]''
*[[''Journal of Interdisciplinary History'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Interdisciplinary History]]''
*[[''Journal of Military History'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Military History]]''
*[[''Journal of Modern African Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Modern African Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of Modern History'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Modern History]]''
*[[''Journal of Southern African Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Southern African Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of Southern History'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Southern History]]''
*[[''Journal of the Early Republic'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the Early Republic]]''
*[[''Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient]]''
*[[''Law and History Review'' ]]
*''[[Law and History Review]]''
*[[''Modern China'' ]]
*''[[Modern China]]''
*[[''New England Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[New England Quarterly]]''
*[[''Pacific Historical Review'' ]]
*''[[Pacific Historical Review]]''
*[[''Past and Present'' ]]
*''[[Past and Present]]''
*[[''Phoenix'' ]]
*[[''Public Historian'' ]]
*''[[Public Historian]]''
*[[''Radical History'' ]]
*''[[Radical History]]''
*[[''Renaissance Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Renaissance Quarterly]]''
*[[''Reviews in American History'' ]]
*''[[Reviews in American History]]''
*[[''Russian Review'' ]]
*''[[Russian Review]]''
*[[''Sixteenth Century Journal'' ]]
*''[[Sixteenth Century Journal]]''
*[[''Social Science History'' ]]
*''[[Social Science History]]''
*[[''Speculum'' ]]
*[[''Studies in the Renaissance'' ]]
*''[[Studies in the Renaissance]]''
*[[''Western Historical Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Western Historical Quarterly]]''
*[[''William and Mary Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[William and Mary Quarterly]]''

Line 360: Line 364:
'''Islamic Studies'''
'''Islamic Studies'''

*[[''Islam - Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur des Islamischen Orients'' ]]
*''[[Islam - Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur des Islamischen Orients]]''
*[[''Muslim World'' ]]
*''[[Muslim World]]''
*[[''Pakistan Forum'' ]]
*''[[Pakistan Forum]]''
*[[''Studia Islamica'' ]]
*''[[Studia Islamica]]''
*[[''Welt des Islams'' ]]
*''[[Welt des Islams]]''

Line 370: Line 374:
'''Jewish Studies'''
'''Jewish Studies'''

*[[''AJS Review'' ]]
*''[[AJS Review]]''
*[[''American Jewish History'' ]]
*''[[American Jewish History]]''
*[[''Jewish Art'' ]]
*''[[Jewish Art]]''
*[[''Jewish Quarterly Review'' ]]
*''[[Jewish Quarterly Review]]''
*[[''Journal of Jewish Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Jewish Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of Jewish Thought & Philosophy'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Jewish Thought & Philosophy]]''
*[[''Modern Judaism'' ]]
*''[[Modern Judaism]]''
*[[''Judaism'' ]]
*[[''Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research'' ]]
*''[[Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research]]''
*[[''Prooftexts - A Journal of Jewish Literary History'' ]]
*''[[Prooftexts - A Journal of Jewish Literary History]]''
*[[''Revue des études juives'' ]]
*''[[Revue des études juives]]''

Line 386: Line 390:
'''Language, Literature, Literary Criticism & Theory'''
'''Language, Literature, Literary Criticism & Theory'''

*[[''African American Review'' ]]
*''[[African American Review]]''
*[[''African Languages and Cultures'' ]]
*''[[African Languages and Cultures]]''
*[[''Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics'' ]]
*''[[Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics]]''
*[[''American Journal of Philology'' ]]
*''[[American Journal of Philology]]''
*[[''American Literary History'' ]]
*''[[American Literary History]]''
*[[''American Literature'' ]]
*''[[American Literature]]''
*[[''American Speech'' ]]
*''[[American Speech]]''
*[[''boundary 2'' ]]
*''[[boundary 2]]''
*[[''Callaloo'' ]]
*[[''Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR)'' ]]
*''[[Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR)]]''
*[[''College Composition and Communication'' ]]
*''[[College Composition and Communication]]''
*[[''College English'' ]]
*''[[College English]]''
*[[''Comparative Literature'' ]]
*''[[Comparative Literature]]''
*[[''Contemporary Literature'' ]]
*''[[Contemporary Literature]]''
*[[''Critical Inquiry'' ]]
*''[[Critical Inquiry]]''
*[[''Cultural Critique'' ]]
*''[[Cultural Critique]]''
*[[''Diacritics'' ]]
*[[''ELH'' ]]
*[[''English Journal'' ]]
*''[[English Journal]]''
*[[''Feminist Studies'' ]]
*''[[Feminist Studies]]''
*[[''French Review'' ]]
*''[[French Review]]''
*[[''German Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[German Quarterly]]''
*[[''German Studies Review'' ]]
*''[[German Studies Review]]''
*[[''Hispania'' ]]
*[[''Hispanic Review'' ]]
*''[[Hispanic Review]]''
*[[''International Journal of American Linguistics'' ]]
*''[[International Journal of American Linguistics]]''
*[[''Italica'' ]]
*[[''Japanese Language and Literature'' ]]
*''[[Japanese Language and Literature]]''
*[[''Journal of African Cultural Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of African Cultural Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of American Folklore'' ]]
*''[[Journal of American Folklore]]''
*[[''Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association]]''
*[[''Language (journal'' ]]
*''[[Language (journal]]''
*[[''Law and Literature'' ]]
*''[[Law and Literature]]''
*[[''Luso-Brazilian Review'' ]]
*''[[Luso-Brazilian Review]]''
*[[''MELUS'' ]]
*[[''MLN'' ]] (Modern Language Notes)
*''[[MLN]]'' (Modern Language Notes)
*[[''Modern Language Journal'' ]]
*''[[Modern Language Journal]]''
*[[''Modern Language Studies'' ]]
*''[[Modern Language Studies]]''
*[[''Modern Philology'' ]]
*''[[Modern Philology]]''
*[[''New England Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[New England Quarterly]]''
*[[''New German Critique'' ]]
*''[[New German Critique]]''
*[[''New Literary History'' ]]
*''[[New Literary History]]''
*[[''Nineteenth-Century Literature'' ]]
*''[[Nineteenth-Century Literature]]''
*[[''NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction'' ]]
*''[[NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction]]''
*[[''Oceanic Linguistics'' ]]
*''[[Oceanic Linguistics]]''
*[[''Pacific Coast Philology'' ]]
*''[[Pacific Coast Philology]]''
*[[''Phoenix'' ]]
*[[''PMLA'' ]] (Publications of the Modern Language Association)
*''[[PMLA]]'' (Publications of the Modern Language Association)
*[[''Poetics Today'' ]]
*''[[Poetics Today]]''
*[[''Renaissance Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Renaissance Quarterly]]''
*[[''Representations'' ]]
*[[''Review of English Studies'' ]]
*''[[Review of English Studies]]''
*[[''Rhetoric Review'' ]]
*''[[Rhetoric Review]]''
*[[''Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature'' ]]
*''[[Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature]]''
*[[''Shakespeare Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Shakespeare Quarterly]]''
*[[''Signs'' ]]
*[[''Slavic and East European Journal'' ]]
*''[[Slavic and East European Journal]]''
*[[''Social Text'' ]]
*''[[Social Text]]''
*[[''South Atlantic Review'' ]]
*''[[South Atlantic Review]]''
*[[''South Central Review'' ]]
*''[[South Central Review]]''
*[[''Speculum'' ]]
*[[''Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900'' ]]
*''[[Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900]]''
*[[''Studies in the Renaissance'' ]]
*''[[Studies in the Renaissance]]''
*[[''SubStance'' ]]
*[[''Transition'' ]]
*[[''Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature'' ]]
*''[[Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature]]''
*[[''Twentieth Century Literature'' ]]
*''[[Twentieth Century Literature]]''
*[[''Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German'' ]]
*''[[Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German]]''
*[[''Yale French Studies'' ]]
*''[[Yale French Studies]]''
*[[''Yearbook of English Studies'' ]]
*''[[Yearbook of English Studies]]''

'''Latin American Studies'''
'''Latin American Studies'''

*[[''Americas'' ]]
*[[''Bulletin of Latin American Research'' ]]
*''[[Bulletin of Latin American Research]]''
*[[''Desarrollo Económico'' ]]
*''[[Desarrollo Económico]]''
*[[''Hispania'' ]]
*[[''Hispanic American Historical Review'' ]]
*''[[Hispanic American Historical Review]]''
*[[''Hispanic Review'' ]]
*''[[Hispanic Review]]''
*[[''Journal of Latin American Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Latin American Studies]]''
*[[''Latin American Antiquity'' ]]
*''[[Latin American Antiquity]]''
*[[''Latin American Perspectives'' ]]
*''[[Latin American Perspectives]]''
*[[''Latin American Politics and Society'' ]]
*''[[Latin American Politics and Society]]''
*[[''Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs]]''
*[[''Latin American Research Review'' ]]
*''[[Latin American Research Review]]''
*[[''Luso-Brazilian Review'' ]]
*''[[Luso-Brazilian Review]]''
*[[''Mexican Studies / Estudios Mexicanos'' ]]
*''[[Mexican Studies / Estudios Mexicanos]]''
*[[''Revista Mexicana de Sociología'' ]]
*''[[Revista Mexicana de Sociología]]''

Line 480: Line 484:
'''Middle East Studies'''
'''Middle East Studies'''

*[[''Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics'' ]]
*''[[Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics]]''
*[[''Anatolian Studies'' ]]
*''[[Anatolian Studies]]''
*[[''Arab Law Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Arab Law Quarterly]]''
*[[''British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies'' ]]
*''[[British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies]]''
*[[''Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London'' ]]
*''[[Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London]]''
*[[''International Journal of Middle East Studies'' ]]
*''[[International Journal of Middle East Studies]]''
*[[''Islamic Law and Society'' ]]
*''[[Islamic Law and Society]]''
*[[''Journal of Cuneiform Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Cuneiform Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of Near Eastern Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Near Eastern Studies]]''
*[[''Hebraica'' ]]
*[[''Journal of Palestine Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Palestine Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of the American Oriental Society'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the American Oriental Society]]''
*[[''Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient]]''
*[[''Middle East Report'' ]]
*''[[Middle East Report]]''
*[[''Muqarnas'' ]]
*[[''Oriens'' ]]


*[[''19th-Century Music'' ]]
*''[[19th-Century Music]]''
*[[''Acta Mozartiana'' ]]
*''[[Acta Mozartiana]]''
*[[''Acta Musicologica'' ]] (incorporating Mitteilungen der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft / Bulletin de la Société internationale de Musicologie)
*''[[Acta Musicologica]]'' (incorporating Mitteilungen der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft / Bulletin de la Société internationale de Musicologie)
*[[''American Music'' ]]
*''[[American Music]]''
*[[''Archiv für Musikwissenschaft'' ]]
*''[[Archiv für Musikwissenschaft]]''
*[[''Asian Music'' ]]
*''[[Asian Music]]''
*[[''Bach'' ]]
*[[''Black Music Research Journal'' ]]
*''[[Black Music Research Journal]]''
*[[''Black Perspective in Music'' ]]
*''[[Black Perspective in Music]]''
*[[''British Journal of Ethnomusicology'' ]]
*''[[British Journal of Ethnomusicology]]''
*[[''Cambridge Opera Journal'' ]]
*''[[Cambridge Opera Journal]]''
*[[''Clavier'' ]]
*[[''Computer Music Journal'' ]]
*''[[Computer Music Journal]]''
*[[''Current Musicology'' ]]
*''[[Current Musicology]]''
*[[''Early Music'' ]]
*''[[Early Music]]''
*[[''Early Music History'' ]]
*''[[Early Music History]]''
*[[''Ethnomusicology'' ]]
*[[''Folk Music Journal'' ]]
*''[[Folk Music Journal]]''
*[[''Fontes Artis Musicae'' ]]
*''[[Fontes Artis Musicae]]''
*[[''Galpin Society Journal'' ]]
*''[[Galpin Society Journal]]''
*[[''Handel Institute Newsletter'' ]]
*''[[Handel Institute Newsletter]]''
*[[''International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music'' ]]
*''[[International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music]]''
*[[''Journal of Music Theory'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Music Theory]]''
*[[''Journal of Musicology'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Musicology]]''
*[[''Journal of Music Theory'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Music Theory]]''
*[[''Journal of Research in Music Education'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Research in Music Education]]''
*[[''Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society]]''
*[[''Journal of the American Musicological Society'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the American Musicological Society]]''
*[[''Journal of the Royal Musical Association'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the Royal Musical Association]]''
*[[''Latin American Music Review / Revista de Música Latinoamericana'' ]]
*''[[Latin American Music Review / Revista de Música Latinoamericana]]''
*[[''Leonardo Music Journal'' ]]
*''[[Leonardo Music Journal]]''
*[[''Lied und populäre Kultur / Song and Popular Culture'' ]]
*''[[Lied und populäre Kultur / Song and Popular Culture]]''
*[[''Music & Letters'' ]]
*''[[Music & Letters]]''
*[[''Music Analysis'' ]]
*''[[Music Analysis]]''
*[[''Music Educators Journal'' ]]
*''[[Music Educators Journal]]''
*[[''Music Theory Spectrum'' ]]
*''[[Music Theory Spectrum]]''
*[[''Musical Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Musical Quarterly]]''
*[[''Musical Times'' ]]
*''[[Musical Times]]''
*[[''Musik und Kirche'' ]]
*''[[Musik und Kirche]]''
*[[''Musikforschung'' ]]
*[[''Musiktheorie'' ]]
*[[''Neue Zeitschrift für Musik'' ]]
*''[[Neue Zeitschrift für Musik]]''
*[[''Notes'' ]]
*[[''Nuova Rivista Musicale Italiana'' ]]
*''[[Nuova Rivista Musicale Italiana]]''
*[[''Perspectives of New Music'' ]]
*''[[Perspectives of New Music]]''
*[[''Piano and Keyboard'' ]]
*''[[Piano and Keyboard]]''
*[[''Popular Music'' ]]
*''[[Popular Music]]''
*[[''Rivista Italiana di Musicologia'' ]]
*''[[Rivista Italiana di Musicologia]]''
*[[''Revue belge de Musicologie / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap'' ]]
*''[[Revue belge de Musicologie / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap]]''
*[[''Revue de musicologie'' ]]
*''[[Revue de musicologie]]''
*[[''Sacred Music'' ]]
*''[[Sacred Music]]''
*[[''Studi Musicali'' ]]
*''[[Studi Musicali]]''
*[[''Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae'' ]]
*''[[Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae]]''
*[[''Tempo'' ]]
*[[''Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis'' ]]
*''[[Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis]]''
*[[''Yearbook for Traditional Music'' ]]
*''[[Yearbook for Traditional Music]]''

'''Philosophy & History of Philosophy'''
'''Philosophy & History of Philosophy'''

*[[''Analysis'' ]]
*[[''British Journal for the Philosophy of Science'' ]]
*''[[British Journal for the Philosophy of Science]]''
*[[''Bulletin of Symbolic Logic'' ]]
*''[[Bulletin of Symbolic Logic]]''
*[[''Ethics  (journal)'' ]]
*''[[Ethics  (journal)]]''
*[[''Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism]]''
*[[''Journal of Philosophy'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Philosophy]]''
*[[''Journal of Symbolic Logic'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Symbolic Logic]]''
*[[''Journal of the History of Ideas'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the History of Ideas]]''
*[[''Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes]]''
*[[''Law and Philosophy'' ]]
*''[[Law and Philosophy]]''
*[[''Mind (journal'' ]]
*''[[Mind (journal]]''
*[[''Noûs'' ]]
*[[''Philosophical Issues'' ]]
*''[[Philosophical Issues]]''
*[[''Philosophical Perspectives'' ]]
*''[[Philosophical Perspectives]]''
*[[''Philosophical Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Philosophical Quarterly]]''
*[[''Philosophical Review'' ]]
*''[[Philosophical Review]]''
*[[''Philosophy and Phenomenological Research'' ]]
*''[[Philosophy and Phenomenological Research]]''
*[[''Philosophy and Public Affairs'' ]]
*''[[Philosophy and Public Affairs]]''
*[[''Philosophy East and West'' ]]
*''[[Philosophy East and West]]''
*[[''Philosophy of Science'' ]]
*''[[Philosophy of Science]]''
*[[''Political Theory'' ]]
*''[[Political Theory]]''
*[[''Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association'' ]]
*''[[Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association]]''
*[[''PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association'' ]]
*''[[PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association]]''
*[[''Sociological Theory'' ]]
*''[[Sociological Theory]]''

Line 589: Line 593:
'''Political Science, History of Political Thought'''
'''Political Science, History of Political Thought'''

*[[''American Journal of Comparative Law'' ]]]
*''[[American Journal of Comparative Law]]'']
*[[''American Journal of International Law'' ]]
*''[[American Journal of International Law]]''
*[[''American Journal of Political Science'' ]]
*''[[American Journal of Political Science]]''
*[[''Midwest Journal of Political Science'' ]]
*''[[Midwest Journal of Political Science]]''
*[[''American Political Science Review'' ]]
*''[[American Political Science Review]]''
*[[''Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science'' ]]
*''[[Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science]]''
*[[''Asian Survey'' ]]
*''[[Asian Survey]]''
*[[''British Journal of Political Science'' ]]
*''[[British Journal of Political Science]]''
*[[''Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'Economique'' ]]
*''[[Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'Economique]]''
*[[''Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique'' ]]
*''[[Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique]]''
*[[''Comparative Politics'' ]]
*''[[Comparative Politics]]''
*[[''Foreign Policy'' ]]
*''[[Foreign Policy]]''
*[[''International Affairs'' ]] (Royal Institute of International Affairs)
*''[[International Affairs]]'' (Royal Institute of International Affairs)
*[[''International Organization'' ]]
*''[[International Organization]]''
*[[''International Political Science Review / Revue internationale de science politique'' ]]
*''[[International Political Science Review / Revue internationale de science politique]]''
*[[''International Security'' ]]
*''[[International Security]]''
*[[''International Studies Review'' ]]
*''[[International Studies Review]]''
*[[''Journal of Conflict Resolution'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Conflict Resolution]]''
*[[''Journal of Palestine Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Palestine Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of Peace Research'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Peace Research]]''
*[[''Journal of Politics'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Politics]]''
*[[''Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: J-PART'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: J-PART]]''
*[[''Journal of Southern African Studies'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Southern African Studies]]''
*[[''Journal of the History of Ideas'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the History of Ideas]]''
*[[''Law & Society Review'' ]]
*''[[Law & Society Review]]''
*[[''Legislative Studies Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Legislative Studies Quarterly]]''
*[[''Mershon International Studies Review'' ]]
*''[[Mershon International Studies Review]]''
*[[''Middle East Report'' ]]
*''[[Middle East Report]]''
*[[''Modern Law Review'' ]]
*''[[Modern Law Review]]''
*[[''Perspectives on Politics'' ]]
*''[[Perspectives on Politics]]''
*[[''Political Behavior'' ]]
*''[[Political Behavior]]''
*[[''Political Research Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Political Research Quarterly]]''
*[[''Political Science Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Political Science Quarterly]]''
*[[''Political Theory'' ]]
*''[[Political Theory]]''
*[[''Polity'' ]]
*[[''Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science'' ]]
*''[[Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science]]''
*[[''Proceedings of the American Political Science Association'' ]]
*''[[Proceedings of the American Political Science Association]]''
*[[''PS: Political Science and Politics'' ]]
*''[[PS: Political Science and Politics]]''
*[[''Public Opinion Quarterly'' ]]
*''[[Public Opinion Quarterly]]''
*[[''Publius'' ]]
*[[''Review of Politics'' ]]
*''[[Review of Politics]]''
*[[''Social Science History'' ]]
*''[[Social Science History]]''
*[[''World Politics'' ]]
*''[[World Politics]]''

Line 637: Line 641:
'''Religious Studies'''
'''Religious Studies'''

*[[''AJS Review'' ]]
*''[[AJS Review]]''
*[[''Asian Folklore Studies'' ]]
*''[[Asian Folklore Studies]]''
*[[''Buddhist-Christian Studies'' ]]
*''[[Buddhist-Christian Studies]]''
*[[''Church History'' ]]
*''[[Church History]]''
*[[''Harvard Theological Review'' ]]
*''[[Harvard Theological Review]]''
*[[''History of Religions'' ]]
*''[[History of Religions]]''
*[[''Jewish Quarterly Review'' ]]
*''[[Jewish Quarterly Review]]''
*[[''Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion'' ]]
*''[[Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion]]''
*[[''Journal of Biblical Literature'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Biblical Literature]]''
*[[''Journal of Law and Religion'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Law and Religion]]''
*[[''Journal of Religion'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Religion]]''
*[[''Journal of Religion in Africa'' ]]
*''[[Journal of Religion in Africa]]''
*[[''Journal of the American Academy of Religion'' ]]
*''[[Journal of the American Academy of Religion]]''
*[[''Modern Judaism'' ]]
*''[[Modern Judaism]]''
*[[''Near Eastern Archaeology'' ]] (formerly Biblical Archaeologist)
*''[[Near Eastern Archaeology]]'' (formerly Biblical Archaeologist)
*[[''Novum Testamentum'' ]]
*''[[Novum Testamentum]]''
*[[''Numen'' ]]
*[[''Oriens'' ]]
*[[''Philosophy East and West'' ]]
*''[[Philosophy East and West]]''
*[[''Religion and American Culture'' ]]
*''[[Religion and American Culture]]''
*[[''Review of Religious Research'' ]]
*''[[Review of Religious Research]]''
*[[''Studia Islamica'' ]]
*''[[Studia Islamica]]''
*[[''Vetus Testamentum'' ]]
*''[[Vetus Testamentum]]''
*[[''Vigiliae Christianae'' ]]
*''[[Vigiliae Christianae]]''
*[[''Welt des Islams'' ]]
*''[[Welt des Islams]]''
*[[''Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science'' ]]
*''[[Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science]]''

Line 668: Line 672:
'''Women's Studies'''
'''Women's Studies'''

*[[''Feminist Review'' ]]
*''[[Feminist Review]]''
*[[''Feminist Studies'' ]]
*''[[Feminist Studies]]''
*[[''Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies'' ]]
*''[[Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies]]''
*[[''Gender and Society'' ]]
*''[[Gender and Society]]''
*[[''Signs 1975-2002'' ]]
*''[[Signs 1975-2002]]''
*[[''Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature'' ]]
*''[[Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature]]''
*[[''Woman's Art Journal 1980-2006'' ]]
*[[Woman's Art Journal 1980-2006]]''

-->In Progress<--
-->In Progress<--

Revision as of 12:42, 14 February 2007

The following is a partial list of academic journals. There are thousands of academic journals currently being published, and many more have been published at various points in the past. The list given here is deliberately selective, and contains the most influential, currently publishing journals in each field. (As a rule of thumb, each field should be represented by more or less ten positions). It is highly desirable that the other important academic journals be represented by a list. In the sciences there are several such lists; List of scientific journals in astronomy being alphabetically the first. Links to these lists can be found in the list of scientific journals.

Note: there are many academic magazines that are not academic journals; they are not listed here.


General journals

Journals in the humanities


The following is a partial list of academic journals. There are thousands of academic journals currently being published, and many more have been published at various points in the past. The list given here is deliberately selective, and contains the most influential, currently publishing journals in each field. (As a rule of thumb, each field should be represented by more or less ten positions). It is highly desirable that the other important academic journals be represented by a list. In the sciences there are several such lists; List of scientific journals in astronomy being alphabetically the first. Links to these lists can be found in the list of scientific journals.

Note: there are many academic magazines that are not academic journals; they are not listed here.


General journals

Journals in the humanities


African-American Studies

African-American Studies

African Studies


Architecture & Architectural History

Art & Art History

Asian Studies


Eighteenth-Century Studies


Film Studies

First Nations, Native American, Indian Studies

History - General

Islamic Studies

Jewish Studies

Language, Literature, Literary Criticism & Theory

Latin American Studies

Middle East Studies


Philosophy & History of Philosophy

Political Science, History of Political Thought

Religious Studies

Women's Studies

-->In Progress<--

Journals in the social sciences


Journals in the sciences


General science

Specific sciences

(one and only one key journal each--others will be found on more specific pages)

Journals on other topics

see also

Academic journals

External links


Journals in the social sciences


Journals in the sciences


General science

Specific sciences

(one and only one key journal each--others will be found on more specific pages)

Journals on other topics

see also

Academic journals

External links
