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== I love proverbs, jokes and puns. How 'bout you??

Icelandic proverbs courtesy WikiQuote...
Icelandic proverbs courtesy WikiQuote...

Revision as of 18:12, 24 July 2010

== I love proverbs, jokes and puns. How 'bout you??


Icelandic proverbs courtesy WikiQuote...

   * Sæt er lykt úr sjálfs síns rassi.
         o Trans. Sweet is the smell from your own ass.
         o English Equiv: He thinks his shit doesn't stink.
         o Meaning: You think you cannot do anything wrong.
   * Ber er hver að baki nema að sér bróður eigi.
         o Trans. Every man is defenseless unless he has a brother.
   * Það er skammgóður vermir að pissa í skóna sína.
         o Trans. Pissing in your shoes won't keep your feet warm for long.
   * Blindur er bóklaus maður.
         o Trans. Blind is a man without a book.
         o English Equiv: Knowledge is power.
   * Kemst þó hægt fari.
         o Trans. You will reach your destination even though you travel slowly.
         o English Equiv: Slow and steady wins the race.
   * Oft hefur hin frægri kona færri hringa.
         o Trans. The more renowned woman often has fewer rings.
   * Töluð orð verða ekki aftur tekin.
         o Trans. Spoken words cannot be taken back.
   * Margur verður af aurum api.
         o Trans. Money makes monkeys of men.
         o English Equiv: Money makes fools of us all.
   * Það er of seint gripið um rassinn þegar kúkurinn er kominn í buxurnar.
         o It's too late to grab your ass when the poop is already in your pants.
   * Árinni kennir illur ræðari.
         o Trans. A bad rower blames the oar.
         o English Equiv: A bad workman blames his tools.
   * Á morgun segir sá lati.
         o Trans. Tomorrow says the lazy.
   * Betra er að standa á eigin fótum en annarra.
         o Trans. It´s better to stand on your own feet than someone else´s.
   * Margur ágirnist meira en þarf.
         o Trans. Often does one desire what one does not need.
   * Guð hjálpar þeim sem hjálpa sér sjálfir.
         o Trans. God helps those who help themselves.
   * Brennt barn forðast eldinn.
         o Trans. A burnt child keeps away from fire.
         o English Equiv: Once bitten, twice shy.
   * Sjaldan er ein báran stök.
         o Trans. There seldom is a single wave
         o English Equiv: When it rains, it pours.
         o Meaning: Good luck or bad luck is often followed by more of the same.
   * Oft velltir lítil þúfa, þungu hlassi.
         o Trans. It often takes little force to move great masses.
   * Enginn er verr þótt hann vökni
         o No one is worse though he gets wet
   * Það liggur í augum uppi.
         o Trans. It lies in the open eyes.
         o Meaning: It´s obvious.
   * Kálið er ekki sopið þó í ausuna sé komið.
         o Trans. The cabbage has not yet been sipped even though it is in the ladle
         o Meaning: Even though you have started something, you haven't finished until you are finished.


Biography: I was born out west, lived just everywhere known to humankind, tromped through the swamps of the deep south, spent days looking for those tiny no seeums, before returning to the great west where the sage brush meanders. When last seen I was learning how right OOOPS write at CZ OOOPS Citizendium.

Have a lovely day!