CZ:Management Council Motions Passed: Difference between revisions

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imported>Milton Beychok
m (Added another motion)
imported>Milton Beychok

Revision as of 03:37, 8 March 2011

2010-001, 25 October 2010:
The MC appoints D. Matt Innis as Chief Constable.

2010-002, 26 October 2010:
As per an email discussion and vote, the Management Council has unanimously elected Russell D. Jones as it's chair.

2010-003, 27 October 2010:
The MC appoints Ruth Ifcher as Chief Constable Emeritus, the duties of which are that the Chief Constable Emeritus is to remain available for consultation by the MC or Constabulary on matters pertaining to the Constabulary.

2010-004, 8 October 2010:
The MC authorize the Technical Lead or other individual to create a wiki-space on the CZ servers for the use of the Editorial Council as per the instructions from the Secretary of the EC.

2010- 005, 28 October 2010:
The MC appoints Anton Sweeney as Constable.

2010-006, 29 October 2010:
The MC appoints Greg Sabino Mullane as Technical Lead.

2010-007, 2 November 2010:
(1) The Management Council will have a publicly accessible forum board which is read-only to anyone not on the Management Council. It will be used for the majority of discussion between members of the Management Council.
(2) The Management Council will have a private forum board which is hidden from anyone who is not on the Management Council. It will be used for sensitive discussions between members of the Management Council. The definition of 'sensitive discussions' is defined elsewhere.
(3) The Management Council will have a public forum board on which any Citizen may post, reply and view topics. It will be used to allow Citizens to publicly communicate with the Management Council.
(4) The Management Council will have a private forum board on which any Citizen may post, however they will only see topics that they have started. It will be used to allow Citizens to privately communicate with the Management Council.

2010-008, 3 November 2010:
(1) All our voting on any subject shall occur over a 24 hour period or until all five members have voted, whichever comes first, so that all of us in greatly different time zones can participate in making decisions.
(2) All our votes shall be decided by a simple majority. Thus, at least three (3) yes votes shall mean that the matter being voted upon is approved whereas at least three (3) no votes shall mean that matter is not approved.
(3) Once a motion has not changed for 24 hours, any member can request to end discussion. Upon a second, debate shall close and a vote on the resolution will be taken. If all members agree, a vote to end discussion may occur prior to the end of the 24 hour wait period.
(4) Postings by the chair as the chair shall not be recognized as seconding any proposal nor shall they be considered in the calculation of a quorum.

2010-009, 5 November 2010:
The MC authorizes technical staff to back up all CZ data.

2010-010, 16 November 2010:
The MC authorizes tech staff to take any steps necessary, including moving applications to non-Steadfast servers, in order to keep Citizendium's applications running.

2010-011, 18 November 2010:
The MC authorizes Dan Nessett to approach Steadfast Networks about reducing our server costs and report back to the MC what changes to our server architecture this would imply.

2010-012, 18 November 2010:
The MC authorizes Milt Beychok to pay the November bill from Steadfast Networks. Payment should occur in sufficient time that it reaches Steadfast by the end of November.

2010-013, 23 November 2010:
The MC appoints Bruce Tindall as a Constable.

2010-014, 24 November 2010:
The MC authorises the creation of a Google Analytics account and the installation of the Google Analytics Integration extension, specifically the version which allows logged-in users to be excluded.

2010-015, 24 November 2010:
The MC authorizes Dan Nessett to negotiate on behalf of the Citizendium a tentative service contract for the purpose of hosting the Citizendium at a price not to exceed $400/month. The tentative service contract will be approved by the MC.

2010-016, 4 December 2010:
The MC authorises Chris Key and Joe Quick to release any information gathered by Google Analytics in any format.

2011-001, 4 January 2011:
The MC authorizes technical staff to transition to a 3 server configuration at Steadfast Networks and to work to complete a migration of all CZ applications by 22 January 2011.

2011-002, 18 January 2011:
The MC approved the minutes for October found at

2011-003, 28 January 2011:
The constables may delete all personal comments that are derogatory to named individuals who are not public figures. Offenders shall be warned. Offenders who exhibit a pattern of personal attacks will be banned. This rule shall apply to all applications at

2011-004, 2 February 2011:
The contact for image issues shall be replaced in all existing image files, the Template:Image_Details and wherever else needed with the email list cz-, and the email list members shall be the members of the Management Council as well as the Chief Constable.

2011-005, 2 February 2011:
The MC directs technical staff to change the logo appearing on the live wiki to one that does not contain the words "beta".

2011-006, 2 February 2011:
Recognizing that one purpose of Citizendium is to establish knowledge through expert guidance, pseudonyms undermine the principle of expertise by the anonymity of authors; however pseudonyms may be granted only on a case-by-case basis by special resolution of the Management Council. Pseudonyms may be granted in cases only when the identity of an author may endanger the life, person [i.e. bodily harm], or property of the author. Pseudonyms will not be granted in cases where the reputation of the author may be damaged by the writings of the author. Authors must be responsible for what they write.

2011-007, 11 February 2011:
Any policy page officially approved by the MC will be protected. Any future edits to the page (excluding spelling and grammar edits) will require a vote from the MC.

2011-008, 11 February 2011:
Citizens who wish to leave Citizendium may email to formally resign from the project. The Constabulary will block that user's account from editing, place a notice at the top of their user page stating "This user has resigned from Citizendium" and protect their user page. From that point the user will no longer be considered a Citizen and therefore no longer be subject to rules applying to Citizens nor have the rights conferred to Citizens.

Any user who has resigned and wishes to rejoin the project may email to formally request reinstatement. This request will be passed to the Management Council who will consider the request. Should the request be granted the user account will be unblocked, the user page unprotected and the user will be once again considered a Citizen.

2011-009, 11 February 2011:
The MC officially approves the user page rules contained in revision

2011-010, 12 February 2011:
The Tech staff shall be instructed to remove the Image:Beenverifiedlogo.png from the Special:RequestAccount page. The Tech staff shall also be instructed to revise the sentence that now reads This could include a link to your (optional) BeenVerified™ page; credible webpages listing your (free) e-mail address, names of persons that we can look up online to aid in confirming your identity, current members you know, etc. so as to read 'This could include links to credible webpages listing your (free) e-mail address, names of persons that we can look up online to aid in confirming your identity, current members you know, etc.

2011-11, 4 March 2011:
Until resolved, the top-priority issue for the Management Council is finding a long-term funding solution for Citizendium. Activity addressing this issue will take precedence over that addressing any other issue.

2011-12, 6 March 2011:

(1) Create a Wiki page called Management Council Passed Motions which would list, date and number each passed motion as Year - XXX, date and then the motion itself where: the Year is 2010, 2011, etc., the XXX is the number from 000 to 999, the date is the numerical date followed by the spelled out month and followed by the numerical year as per this example:

2011-006, 2 February 2011: Recognizing that one purpose of Citizendium is to establish knowledge through expert guidance, pseudonyms undermine the principle of expertise by the anonymity of authors; however pseudonyms may be granted only on a case-by-case basis by special resolution of the Management Council. Pseudonyms may be granted in cases only when the identity of an author may endanger the life, person [i.e. bodily harm], or property of the author. Pseudonyms will not be granted in cases where the reputation of the author may be damaged by the writings of the author. Authors must be responsible for what they write.

(2) Place a link, in the Management section of the left-hand navigation column of each CZ page, entitled "MC motions passed" which would take readers directly to the Wiki page called Management Council Passed Motions.