English spellings/Catalogs/Common misspellings S: Difference between revisions
imported>Meg Taylor (added sentance) |
imported>Meg Taylor (added selectng) |
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* {{search link|seige||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (siege) | * {{search link|seige||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (siege) | ||
* {{search link|selction||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (selection) | * {{search link|selction||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (selection) | ||
* {{search link|selectng||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (selecting) | |||
* {{search link|sence||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (sense) | * {{search link|sence||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (sense) | ||
* {{search link|senoir||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (senior) | * {{search link|senoir||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (senior) |
Revision as of 19:18, 17 February 2010

The metadata subpage is missing. You can start it via filling in this form or by following the instructions that come up after clicking on the [show] link to the right. | |||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
Use in English | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alphabetical word list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retroalphabetical list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Common misspellings |
This page lists misspellings and typos of English words that begin with S. To see a different letter navigate with the table above.
In this list, there are no asterisks or pronouncing accents. The misspelling is shown as a blue link on the left, for example, *abberant, and it is followed by its correct form in brackets, (aberrant). (In the alphabetical list, the order is usually reversed: áberrant *ábberant.)
To add an entry to the list, insert a new search entry using the {{search link}} template with the correct spelling in parentheses after the link. For example,
* {{search link|mispelling||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspelling)
* {{search link|"mispell"|mispell|ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspell)
Please do not delete a misspelling from this page just because it generates false positives. A better way of getting rid of false positives is to "unlink" it by removing the {{search link}} template. For example,
* u (you) (huge number of false positives)
By leaving it on the list, it will remind other users why it has not been added, and it can be easily re-tested at a later date.[e]
- sacrafice (sacrifice)
- sacreligious (sacrilegious)
- safegaurd (safeguard)
- safetly (safely)
- saftey (safety)
- safty (safety)
- saleries (salaries)
- salery (salary)
- San Bernadino (San Bernadino [song], San Bernardino [California])
- San Deigo (San Diego)
- San Franciso (San Francisco)
- San Fransico (San Francisco)
- San Fransisco (San Francisco)
- sandwhich (sandwich)
- Sanhedrim (Sanhedrin)
- sargant (sergeant)
- sargent (sergeant)
- sasy (says, sassy)
- satelite (satellite)
- satelites (satellites)
- Saterday (Saturday)
- Saterdays (Saturdays)
- satric (satiric)
- satrical (satirical)
- satrically (satirically)
- sattelite (satellite)
- sattelites (satellites)
- saught (sought)
- saviour (variant of savior)
- savour (variant of savor)
- savoury (variant of savory)
- savy (savvy)
- saxaphone (saxophone)
- scaleable (scalable)
- Scandanavia (Scandinavia)
- Scandanavian (Scandinavian)
- scenerio (scenario)
- schedual (schedule)
- scholarstic (scholastic, scholarly)
- scirpt (script)
- scoll (scroll)
- Scottland (Scotland)
- scupture (sculpture)
- seach (search)
- seached (searched)
- seaches (searches)
- seamingly (seemingly)
- searchs (searches)
- secceeded (seceded, succeeded)
- seccesion (secession)
- seceed (succeed, secede)
- seceeded (succeeded, seceded)
- secondry (secondary)
- secratary (secretary)
- secrect (secret)
- secretery (secretary)
- sedantary (sedentary)
- sedereal (sidereal)
- see's (See's [company], sees [verb])
- seeked (sought)
- seemless (seamless)
- seige (siege)
- selction (selection)
- selectng (selecting)
- sence (sense)
- senoir (senior)
- sensure (censure)
- sentance (sentence)
- seperable {separable}
- seperate (separate)
- seperating (separating)
- seperation (separation)
- seperatist (separatist)
- seperatism (separatism)
- sepina (subpoena)
- Septemper (September)
- sepulchure (sepulchre, sepulcher)
- sepulcre (sepulchre, sepulcher)
- sequal (sequel)
- serach (search)
- serie's (series, series', series's)
- serieses (series)
- servent (servant)
- setted (set, settled)
- severeal (several)
- severley (severely)
- severly (severely)
- sevral (several)
- shaddow (shadow)
- shamen (shaman, shamans)
- sheat (sheath, sheet, cheat)
- sheeps (sheep, sheep's)
- sheild (shield)
- sherif (sheriff)
- shineing (shining)
- shiped (shipped)
- shiping (shipping)
- shoe-in (shoo-in)
- shooted (shot)
- shoud (should)
- shoudl (should)
- shoudln (should, shouldn't)
- should'nt (should not, shouldn't)
- shouldnt (should not, shouldn't)
- shreak (shriek)
- shrewed (shrewd)
- sicne (since)
- sideral (sidereal)
- siesmic (seismic)
- sieze (seize, size)
- siezed (seized, sized)
- siezing (seizing, sizing)
- siezure (seizure)
- siezures (seizures)
- signifantly (significantly)
- significently (significantly)
- signifigance (significance)
- signifigant (significant)
- signitories (signatories)
- signitory (signatory)
- signiture (signature)
- silimar (similar)
- similair (similar)
- similarily (similarly)
- similiar (similar)
- similiarity (similarity)
- simmilar (similar)
- simmilarly (similarly)
- simpley (simply)
- simplier (simpler)
- simular (similar)
- simulcasted (simulcast)
- simultanous (simultaneous)
- sincerley (sincerely)
- singed (signed, singed, singled)
- single-handily (single-handedly)
- singsog (singsong)
- sinked (sank, sunk)
- sinse (sines, since)
- Sionist (Zionist)
- Sionists (Zionists)
- sissors (scissors)
- Sixtin (Sistine)
- Skagerak (Skagerrak)
- skilfull (skilful [British])
- skillfull (skillful [American])
- sleave (sleeve)
- slided (slid)
- smae (same)
- smoe (some)
- smoothe (smooth)
- smoothes (smooths)
- snese (sneeze)
- snorkle (snorkel)
- snuck (sneaked)
- soem (some)
- sofware (software)
- sohw (show)
- solatary (solitary)
- soley (solely)
- solider (soldier)
- soliliquy (soliloquy)
- soluable (soluble)
- somone (someone)
- sophicated (sophisticated)
- sophmore (sophomore)
- sorceror (sorcerer)
- sotry (story)
- sotyr (satyr, story)
- soudn (sound)
- soudns (sounds)
- sould (could, should, sold)
- souly (solely)
- sourth (south)
- sourthern (southern)
- southheast (southeast)
- souvenier (souvenir)
- souveniers (souvenirs)
- sovereignity (sovereignty)
- soverign (sovereign)
- soverignity (sovereignty)
- spagetti (spaghetti)
- spainish (Spanish)
- sparce (spare, sparse)
- sparsly (sparsely)
- speach (speech)
- speaked (spoke, spoken)
- specialise (variant of specialize)
- speciality (speciality [British], specialty [American])
- speciallized (specialised [British], specialized [American])
- specialty (variant of speciality)
- specif (specific, specify)
- specifity (specificity)
- speciman (specimen)
- spectauclar (spectacular)
- spects (aspects, expects)
- speical (special)
- spelled (spelt [British])
- spelt (spelled [American])
- spended (spent)
- spermatazoa (spermatozoa)
- spilled (spilt [British])
- spilt (spilled [American])
- splitted (split)
- spoilt (variant of spoiled)
- sponser (sponsor)
- spontanious (spontaneous)
- spontanous (spontaneous)
- sponzored (sponsored)
- sporatic (sporadic)
- sportscar (sports car)
- spreaded (spread)
- spritual (spiritual)
- spunoff (spun off)
- stallwart (stalwart)
- standart (standard)
- standed (stood)
- stange (strange)
- staring (staring, starring)
- startegic (strategic)
- startegies (strategies)
- startegy (strategy)
- statment (statement)
- statuatory (statutory)
- stealed (stole)
- steped (stepped)
- steping (stepping)
- steriod (steroid)
- sticked (stuck)
- stilus (stylus)
- stingent (stringent)
- stinked (stunk)
- stoled (stole)
- stoped (stopped)
- stoper (stopper)
- stoping (stopping)
- stopry (story)
- storeis (stories)
- storey (story [American])
- storise (stories)
- stornegst (strongest)
- storng (strong)
- storys (storeys, stories)
- stoyr (story)
- stpo (stop)
- stradegies (strategies)
- stradegy (strategy)
- straightjacket (straitjacket)
- strat (start, strata)
- strech (stretch)
- strenghen (strengthen)
- strenghened (strengthened)
- strenghening (strengthening)
- strenght (strength)
- strenghten (strengthen)
- strenghtened (strengthened)
- strenghtening (strengthening)
- strenous (strenuous)
- strictist (strictest)
- striked (struck)
- strnad (strand)
- stroy (story, destroy)
- structer (structure)
- structual (structural)
- structue (structure)
- stubborness (stubbornness)
- stucture (structure)
- stuctured (structured)
- studdy (study)
- studing (studying)
- subcatagories (subcategories)
- subcatagory (subcategory)
- suberb (suburb, superb)
- subesquent (subsequent)
- submited (submitted)
- submiting (submitting)
- submitt (submit)
- subsidary (subsidiary)
- subsiduary (subsidiary)
- subsitute (substitute)
- subsquent (subsequent)
- substace (substance)
- substantually (substantially)
- substatial (substantial)
- substract (subtract)
- substracted (subtracted)
- substraction (subtraction)
- substracts (subtracts)
- subterranian (subterranean)
- subtlely (subtly)
- subtley (subtly)
- succede (succeed)
- succes (success)
- succesful (successful)
- succesfull (successful)
- succesfully (successfully)
- succesfuly (successfully)
- succesion (succession)
- succesive (successive)
- successfull (successful)
- succint (succinct)
- suceed (succeed)
- suceeded (succeeded)
- suceeding (succeeding)
- suceeds (succeeds)
- suceptible (susceptible)
- sucesful (successful)
- sucesfully (successfully)
- sucesfuly (successfully)
- sucesion (succession)
- sucess (success)
- sucesses (successes)
- sucessfull (successful)
- sucessfully (successfully)
- sucessfuly (successfully)
- sucession (succession)
- sucessive (successive)
- sucide (suicide)
- suffcient (sufficient)
- suffciently (sufficiently)
- sufferage (suffrage)
- sufficent (sufficient)
- sufficently (sufficiently)
- sumary (summary)
- suop (soup)
- supercede (supersede)
- superceed (supersede)
- superceeded (superseded)
- supercession (supersession)
- supercessionism (supersessionism)
- superintendant (superintendent)
- superseed (supersede)
- suphisticated (sophisticated)
- suplant (supplant)
- suplement (supplement)
- suplemental (supplemental)
- suply (supply)
- supose (suppose)
- suposed (supposed)
- suposedly (supposedly)
- suposes (supposes)
- suposing (supposing)
- supplament (supplement)
- suppliment (supplement)
- supposably (supposedly)
- suppossed (supposed)
- suppost (support, supposed)
- supposted (supposed)
- supremist (supremacist)
- supress (suppress)
- supressed (suppressed)
- supresses (suppresses)
- supressing (suppressing)
- suprise (surprise)
- suprised (surprised)
- suprising (surprising)
- suprisingly (surprisingly)
- suprize (surprise)
- suprized (surprised)
- suprizing (surprising)
- suprizingly (surprisingly)
- surelly (surely)
- surender (surrender)
- surley (surly, surely)
- suround (surround)
- surounded (surrounded)
- surounds (surrounds)
- surplanted (supplanted)
- surpress (suppress)
- surpressed (suppressed)
- surprize (surprise)
- surprized (surprised)
- surprizing (surprising)
- surprizingly (surprisingly)
- surrended (surrounded, surrendered)
- surrepetitious (surreptitious)
- surrepetitiously (surreptitiously)
- surreptious (surreptitious)
- surreptiously (surreptitiously)
- surrundering (surrendering)
- surveill (surveil)
- surveyer (surveyor)
- surviver (survivor)
- survivers (survivors)
- suseptible (susceptible)
- swaer (swear)
- swaers (swears)
- sweared (swore)
- Sweeden (Sweden)
- Sweedish (Swedish)
- sweeped (swept)
- sweept (swept)
- swiming (swimming)
- swimmed (swam)
- switchs (switches)
- syas (says)
- symbolical (symbolic)
- symbolise, symbolising (British form of symbolize, symbolizing)
- symetric (symmetric)
- symetrical (symmetric, symmetrical)
- symetrically (symmetrically)
- symetry (symmetry)
- symmetral (symmetric)
- symmetricaly (symmetrically)
- synonomous (synonymous)
- syphillis (syphilis)
- syphyllis (syphilis)
- syrap (syrup)
- sytem (system)