Interest group/Related Articles: Difference between revisions

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imported>Howard C. Berkowitz
m (Text replacement - "{{r|Human Rights Watch}}" to "")
(18 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 8: Line 8:
{{r|Media monitoring}}
{{r|Media monitoring}}
{{r|Christian Right}}
Line 36: Line 36:
{{r|Americans for Tax Reform}}
{{r|Americans for Tax Reform}}
{{r|Amnesty International}}
{{r|Amnesty International}}
{{r|Anti-Defamation League}}
{{r|American Congress for Truth}}
{{r|American Congress for Truth}}
{{r|Arab American Institute}}
{{r|Arab American Institute}}
{{r|Ariel Center for Policy Research}}
{{r|Ariel Center for Policy Research}}
{{r|Atlantic Council}}
{{r|Bread for the World}}
{{r|Bread for the World}}
{{r|Carnegie Endowment for International Peace}}
{{r|Carnegie Endowment for International Peace}}
{{r|Cato Institute}}
{{r|Cato Institute}}
{{r|Center for American Progress}}
{{r|Center for Global Development}}
{{r|Center for Global Development}}
{{r|Center for National Policy}}
{{r|Center for National Policy}}
Line 55: Line 53:
{{r|Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America}}
{{r|Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America}}
{{r|Committee on the Present Danger}}
{{r|Committee on the Present Danger}}
{{r|Concerned Women for America}}
{{r|Congressional Internet Caucus}}
{{r|Council for Citizens against Government Waste}}
{{r|Council for Citizens against Government Waste}}
{{r|Council on American Islamic Relations}}
{{r|Council on American Islamic Relations}}
{{r|David Horowitz Freedom Center}}
{{r|Defense Forum Foundation}}
{{r|Defense Forum Foundation}}
{{r|Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change}}
{{r|Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change}}
{{r|Eagle Forum}}
{{r|Faithful Ameria}}
{{r|Faithful America}}
{{r|Family Security Matters}}
{{r|Family Security Matters}}
{{r|Feminist Majority Foundation}}
{{r|Feminist Majority Foundation}}
{{r|Focus on the Family}}
{{r|Foundation for Defense of Democracies}}
{{r|Foundation for Defense of Democracies}}
{{r|Free Exchange on Campus}}
{{r|Freedom House}}
{{r|Freedom House}}
{{r|Hasbara|Hasbara Speakers Bureau}}
{{r|Hasbara|Hasbara Speakers Bureau}}
{{r|Heritage Foundation}}
{{r|Hoover Institution}}
{{r|Hoover Institution}}
{{r|Human Rights Watch}}
{{r|Institute for America’s Future}}
{{r|Institute for America's Future}}
{{r|International Crisis Group}}
{{r|International Crisis Group}}
{{r|International Committee of the Red Cross}}
{{r|International Committee of the Red Cross}}
Line 99: Line 95:
{{r|National Organization for Women}}
{{r|National Organization for Women}}
{{r|National Rifle Association}}
{{r|National Rifle Association}}
{{r|National Right to Life Committee}}
{{r|National Security Archive, George Washington University}}
{{r|National Security Archive, George Washington University}}
{{r|National Security Network}}
{{r|National Security Network}}
Line 108: Line 104:
{{r|People for the American Way}}
{{r|People for the American Way}}
{{r|Progressive Policy Institute}}
{{r|Progressive Policy Institute}}
{{r|Project for the New American Century}}
{{r|Ruckus Society}}
{{r|Ruckus Society}}
{{r|Small Business Majority}}
{{r|Small Business Majority}}
Line 136: Line 132:

{{r|Political party}}
{{r|Political party}}
{{r|National Endowment for Democracy||**}}
{{r|National Endowment for Democracy||**}}
{{r|Think tank}}
{{r|Interest group}}
{{r|The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy}}
{{r|The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy}}

Latest revision as of 12:15, 26 June 2024

This article is a stub and thus not approved.
Main Article
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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Interest group.
See also changes related to Interest group, or pages that link to Interest group or to this page or whose text contains "Interest group".

Parent topics

  • Civil society [r]: The space for social activity outside the market, state and household; the arena of uncoerced collective action around shared interests, purposes and values. [e]
  • State [r]: Please do not use this term in your topic list, because there is no single article for it. Please substitute a more precise term. See State (disambiguation) for a list of available, more precise, topics. Please add a new usage if needed.
  • Lobbying [r]: The legal process by which interest groups or individuals attempt to influence the policy or votes of government officials [e]
  • Media monitoring [r]: Add brief definition or description


  • Education [r]: Learning, teaching, research and scholarship activities for the purpose of organizing, presenting and acquiring knowledge, skills or social norms. [e]
  • Feminism [r]: Movement seeking the emancipation of women from discriminatory gender roles and laws. [e]
  • Liberalism [r]: Economic and political doctrine advocating free enterprise, free competition and free will. A shortcut word grouping a swath of people who allegedly hold similar values. The liberal ideal does not really exist, as no two people would likely define it exactly the same. Some of the generalizations that people make about liberals include that they are open to social change, not tied to traditional family values, not militaristic, lacking in fiscal restraint, and socially tolerant. [e]
  • Progressivism [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • Zionism [r]: The ideology that Jews should form a Jewish state in what is traced as the Biblical area of Palestine; there are many interpretations, including the boundaries of such a state and its criteria for citizenship [e]

Specific interest groups



Other related topics
