Oriolus isabellae (Isabela Oriole)/Bibliography: Difference between revisions

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imported>Kim van der Linde
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imported>Kim van der Linde

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A list of key readings about Oriolus isabellae (Isabela Oriole).
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  1. Danielsen F, Balete DS, Christensen M, Heegaard M, Jakobsen OF, Jensen A, Lund T, Poulsen MK (1993) Conservation of biological diversity in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Isabela and southern Cagayan province, the Philippines. DENR-BirdLife International, Manila, The Philippines, 1-148 p.
  2. Gonzales PC (1988) Birds of the Philippines. Haribon Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources, Manila, The Philippines.
  3. Kennedy, R.S., Gonzales P.C., Dickinson E.C., Miranda, Jr, H.C., Fisher T.H. (2000) A Guide to the Birds of the Philippines, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  4. Rabor DS (1977) Philippine birds and mammals. University of the Philippines Press, Quezon city, The Philippines.