Talk:Helmand Province, Afghanistan: Difference between revisions

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(needs renaming)
m (John Leach moved page Talk:Helmand Province to Talk:Helmand Province, Afghanistan: qualified as Afghan)

Latest revision as of 16:42, 27 February 2024

This article is a stub and thus not approved.
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To learn how to update the categories for this article, see here. To update categories, edit the metadata template.
 Definition A province of southern Afghanistan, on the border with Pakistan. [d] [e]
Checklist and Archives
 Workgroup categories Geography and History [Please add or review categories]
 Subgroup category:  Afghanistan
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

does not meet naming conventions

Needs to be renamed to "Helmand Province (Afghanistan)".Pat Palmer (talk) 14:03, 27 February 2024 (CST)