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A '''constellation''' is a group of stars that ancient [[astronomers]] imagined as pictures. Not all of these constellations are still used, while some are comparatively modern. Most of the present-day constellations have their origins in ancient [[Greek]], [[Egyptian]] and [[Babylonic]] cultures. The boundaries of the constellations have become defined over time: the present 88 constellations were | A '''constellation''' is a group of stars that ancient [[astronomers]] imagined as pictures. Not all of these constellations are still used, while some are comparatively modern. Most of the present-day constellations have their origins in the ancient [[Greek]], [[Egyptian]] and [[Babylonic]] cultures. The boundaries of the constellations have become defined over time: the present 88 constellations were fixed in a by the [[IAU]] in 1925. The [[Latin]] names are the official ones. | ||
===Constellations=== | ===Constellations=== |
Revision as of 16:54, 16 October 2007

A constellation is a group of stars that ancient astronomers imagined as pictures. Not all of these constellations are still used, while some are comparatively modern. Most of the present-day constellations have their origins in the ancient Greek, Egyptian and Babylonic cultures. The boundaries of the constellations have become defined over time: the present 88 constellations were fixed in a by the IAU in 1925. The Latin names are the official ones.
latin name | latin genitive | international abbreviation | number of stars[1] | English name | German name |
Andromeda | Andromedae | And | 139 | Andromeda | Andromeda |
Antlia | Antliae | Ant | 85 | Pump | Luftpumpe |
Apus | Apodis | Aps | 67 | Swallow | Paradiesvogel |
Aquarius | Aquarii | Aqr | 276 | Cup-bearer | Wassermann |
Aquila | Aquilae | Aql | 146 | Eagle | Adler |
Ara | Arae | Ara | 86 | Altar | Altar |
Aries | Arietis | Ari | 80 | Ram | Widder |
Auriga | Aurigae | Aur | 144 | Charioteer | Fuhrmann |
Bootes | Bootis | Boo | 140 | Herdsman | Bootes, Ochsentreiber |
Caelum | Caeli | Cae | 28 | Sculptor's chisel | Grabstichel |
Camelopardis | Camelopardalis | Cam | 138 | Giraffe | Giraffe |
Cancer | Cancri | Can | 92 | Crab | Krebs |
Canes venatici | Canum Venaticorum | CVn | 88 | Hunting dogs | Jagdhunde |
Canis maior | Canis majoris | CMa | 178 | Greater dog | Großer Hund |
Canis minor | Canis minoris | CMi | 37 | Smaller dog | Kleiner Hund |
Capricornus | Capricorni | Cap | 134 | Horned (male) goat | Steinbock |
Carina | Carinae | Car | 268 | Keel | Schiffskiel |
Cassiopeia | Cassiopeiae | Cas | 126 | Cassiopeia | Cassiopeia |
Centaurus | Centauri | Cen | 389 | Centaur | Centaur |
Cepheus | Cephei | Cep | 159 | Cepheus | Cepheus |
Cetus | Ceti | Cet | 321 | Whale | Wal |
Chamaeleon | Chamaeleontis | Cha | 50 | Chameleon | Chamaeleon |
Circinus | Circini | Cir | 48 | Compass | Kompass |
Columba | Columbae | Col | 112 | Dove | Taube |
Coma (Berenices) | Comae | Com | 70 | Berenice's hair | Haar der Berenike |
Corona australis | Coronae australis | CrA | 49 | Southern crown | Südliche Krone |
Corona borealis | Coronae borealis | CrB | 31 | Northern crown | Nördliche Krone |
Corvus | Corvi | Crv | 53 | Raven | Rabe |
Crater | Crateris | Crt | 53 | Cup | Becher |
Crux | Crucis | Cru | 54 | Cross | Kreuz |
Cygnus | Cygni | Cyg | 197 | Swan | Schwan |
Delphinus | Delphini | Del | 31 | Dolphin | Delfin |
Dorado | Doradus | Dor | 43 | Dolphin-fish | Schwertfisch |
Draco | Draconis | Dra | 200 | Dragon | Drache |
Equuleus | Equulei | Equ | 16 | Foal (little horse) | Füllen |
Eridanus | Eridani | Eri | 293 | Eridanus | Eridanus |
Fornax | Fornacis | For | 110 | Furnace | Chemischer Ofen |
Gemini | Geminorum | Gem | 106 | Twins | Zwillinge |
Grus | Gruis | Gru | 106 | Crane | Kranich |
Hercules | Herculis | Her | 227 | Hercules | Hercules |
Horologium | Horologii | Hor | 68 | Clock | Pendeluhr |
Hydra | Hydrae | Hya | 393 | Hydra | Wasserschlange |
Hydrus | Hydri | Hyi | 64 | Male Hydra | Männliche Wasserschlange |
Indus | Indi | Ind | 84 | American Indian | Indianer |
Lacerta | Lacertae | Lac | 48 | Lizard | Eidechse |
Leo | Leonis | Leo | 161 | Lion | Löwe |
Leo minor | Leonis minoris | LMi | 40 | Smaller lion | Kleiner Löwe |
Lepus | Leporis | Lep | 103 | Hare | Hase |
Libra | Librae | Lib | 122 | Balance | Waage |
Lupus | Lupi | Lup | 159 | Wolf | Wolf |
Lynx | Lyncis | Kyn | 87 | Lynx | Luchs |
Lyra | Lyrae | Lyr | 69 | Lyre | Leier |
Mensa | Mensae | Men | 44 | Table | Tafelberg |
Microscopium | Microscopii | Mic | 69 | Microscope | Mikroskop |
Monoceros | Monocerotis | Mon | 165 | Unicorn | Einhorn |
Musca | Muscae | Mus | 75 | Fly | Fliege |
Norma | Normae | Nor | 64 | Square | Winkelmaß |
Octans | Octantis | Oct | 88 | Octant | Oktant |
Ophiuchus | Ophiuchi | Oph | 209 | Ophiuchus | Schlangenträger |
Orion | Orionis | Ori | 186 | Orion | Orion |
Pavo | Pavonis | Pav | 129 | Peacock | Pfau |
Pegasus | Pegasi | Peg | 178 | Pegasus | Pegasus |
Perseus | Persei | Per | 136 | Perseus | Perseus |
Phoenix | Phoenicis | Phe | 139 | Phoenix | Phönix |
Pictor | Pictori | Pic | 67 | Easel | Maler |
Pisces | Piscium | Psc | 128 | Fish (plural) | Fische |
Piscis austrinus | Piscis austrini | PsA | 75 | Southern fish | Südliche Fische |
Puppis | Puppis | Pup | 313 | Poop deck | Hinterdeck |
Pyxis | Pyxidis | Pyx | 65 | Box | Kompass |
Reticulum | Reticuli | Ret | 34 | Net | Netz |
Sagitta | Sagittarae | Sge | 18 | Arrow | Pfeil |
Sagittarius | Sagittarii | Sgr | 298 | Archer | Schütze |
Scorpius | Scorpii | Sco | 185 | Scorpion | Skorpion |
Sculptor | Sculptoris | Scl | 131 | Sculptor | Bildhauer |
Scutum | Scuti | Sct | 33 | Shield | Schild |
Serpens | Serpentis | Ser | 123 | Snake | Schlange |
Sextans | Sextantis | Sex | 75 | Sextant | Sextant |
Taurus | Tauri | Tau | 188 | Bull | Stier |
Telescopium | Telescopii | Tel | 87 | Telescope | Fernrohr |
Triangulum | Trianguli | Tri | 227 | Triangle | Dreieck |
Triangulum australe | Trianguli australis | TrA | 46 | Southern triangle | Südliches Dreieck |
Tucana | Tucanae | Tuc | 81 | Tucan | Tukan |
Ursa maior | Ursae maioris | UMa | 227 | Great bear | Großer Bär |
Ursa minor | Ursae minoris | UMi | 54 | Little baer | Kleiner Bär |
Vela | Velorum | Vel | 248 | Sails | Segel |
Virgo | Virginis | Vir | 271 | Virgin | Jungfrau |
Volans | Volantis | Vol | 46 | Flying fish | Fliegender Fisch |
Vulpecula | Vulpeculae | Vul | 62 | Little fox | Füchschen |