CZ:Editorial Council Resolution 0010

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The resolution

Whereas, The Romanization Proposal states that a page called CZ:Romanization will be created to deal with issues of how to romanize foreign words, place names and so on that are normally written in other scripts. Subpages for individual languages would be created, e.g. CZ:Romanization/Japanese.and an accompanying content policy will govern its usages, described there.

Resolved, That the Council adopts the document "CZ:Proposals/Romanization," to be implemented by a group designated to do so.

Method of execution

The Council will request John Stephenson to form the designated group for its implementation.



Current status




Before it is added to the Agenda, these sponsors, but only these sponsors, may edit the text of the resolution. After it is added to the Agenda, it cannot be edited by anyone except via the amendment process.

Resolution history

  • Proposed: May 02, 2008
  • Entered queue: (bypassed queue)
  • Entered initial discussion: May 03, 2008
  • Entered public discussion: May 09, 2008
  • Entered voting on resolution: June 06, 2008
  • Close of voting on resolution: June 16, 2008
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