CZ:Editorial Council How to Make a Resolution
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If you are an Editorial Council member and you would like to sponsor a resolution, this page explains how.
- As a first step, acquaint yourself with Editorial Council Rules of Procedure--at the very least, "Outline of the process" and "Initial resolutions."
- In most cases you'll want to discuss the substance of your proposal first on the Citizendium Forums or (probably better) the proposals system.
- Create links to a page for the new resolution (before you create the page). To do this,
- First add a link to what will be the resolution page to CZ:Editorial Council Resolutions Complete List. Add a line following this format:
* [[CZ:Editorial Council Resolution NNNN|]] - short description
- Replace "NNNN" with whatever the next number in the list is. Then add a very short description of your resolution.
- Second, go to CZ:Editorial Council and, in particular, the "Initial resolutions" section. Edit that section and paste in exactly what you typed on the Editorial Council Resolutions Complete List page.
- Those are the only two places where you need to link to the resolution page.
- First add a link to what will be the resolution page to CZ:Editorial Council Resolutions Complete List. Add a line following this format:
- Then create the resolution page. For a template, see CZ:Editorial Council Resolution 0001. The required sections are:
- The resolution. Note: this should be in the standards "Whereas, ... Resolved, ..." format.
- Method of execution
- Amendments
- Current status
- Discussion (and discussion should eventually have four links: Initial comments from Council Members; Forums board for Resolution NNNN; Member position statements; and Longer statements from Council Members.
- Sponsors
- Resolution history
- The resolution. Note: this should be in the standards "Whereas, ... Resolved, ..." format.
- Send a mail to cz-editcouncil (the Editorial Council mailing list) stating, "I move the adoption of Resolution NNNN, found at <URL>." If, in the process of composing the resolution, you have already found two co-sponsors, announce that fact. But if you still need one or two co-sponsors, then write, "I am calling for one/two co-sponsor(s)."
- NOTE: After a day, you can repeat your call for co-sponsors, if necessary. Please do not repeat your call for co-sponsors more than once per week thereafter; and if there are no co-sponsors within a month, the Rules Committee will consider the resolution rejected.
- Once there are two co-sponsors, ask the Chair (privately is fine) to move the resolution to the queue.
- At that point, the Chair and Rules Committee, and the Council as a whole, take "ownership" of the resolution, and it is mostly out of your hands.
Non-members can help primarily by formulating the text of a resolution, which a Council member can then sponsor, either on a Forum board or else a subpage of your user page. The members sponsoring the resolution takes sole responsibility for the initial resolution; as a non-member, you may make comments, but you may not edit the resolution.
The Editorial Council was merged with the Management Council into a single governing body in 2013. All EC rules and decisions were upheld
except where they contradicted the merger. The following links are to archived and out-of-date pages:
Mailing List Archives • Resolutions • Log • Essential Policy •Rules of Procedure • How to Make a Resolution
except where they contradicted the merger. The following links are to archived and out-of-date pages:
Mailing List Archives • Resolutions • Log • Essential Policy •