Talk:History of music psychology

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 Definition Description of the historical development of research in music psychology. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories Music, Psychology and History [Editors asked to check categories]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

My plan is to divide the talk into two parts.

Part I gives an overview of the history of systematic musicology following §2,3 and 4 of the paper of Leman and Schneider, and it includes a description of the notion of Gestalt psychology and the development of its role in musicology. I also want to give a brief summary of, resp. to mention

  1. the work of von Helmholtz,
  2. Darwin's view of the function of music and Spencer's different opinion,
  3. the cognitive model of perception of music given by Knoblauch in 1888.

Part II describes the results of the two papers by Sachs. Here I wonder if his results are today still accepted by leading researchers. Does anybody know?