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A '''credit rating agency''' provides independent assessments, in the form of credit ratings, of the probability of default of companies, governments and the providers of a wide range of financial instruments. Credit ratings have a major impact on the availability and cost of credit for borrowers. Following the discovery of shortcomings in 2008, revisions to the methods of regulating the agencies are under consideration.
'''Bond ratings''' assess the credit-worthiness of the company backing a financial bond.
When a company or even the government decides that they wish to borrow money for a long period of time they usually obtain the financing through the issuance of bonds to the public. Corporations may decide to issue bonds for a variety of reasons such as expansion, embarking on new projects, or just to remain liquid. Bonds are a form of debt security that is sold in set increments normally around $1000. In exchange for lending money to a company the lender gets a piece of paper with the terms of the contract such as the amount lent, the agreed upon interest rate, how often the interest will be paid, and the term of the loan.  

Bond ratings are used by corporations as an assessment of how credit worthy their debt is. The ratings are based on how likely it is that the issuer of the bond will default on payments to the creditors. There are many different rating agencies that corporations use and each has their own system of rating. This article will discuss the different rating agencies most corporations use, the rating system those companies use, the rating process, and the importance of bond ratings. Corporations want to have their bonds rated because a high credit rating allows the company to borrow more money at a lower rate. If a company has a low rating or no rating at all the cost of borrowing is higher and the value of the company is lower. Companies are willing to pay for the service of having their bonds rated so that they can increase the amount of money they can borrow and decrease the cost of having to borrow it.  
::''"There are two superpowers in the world today in my opinion. There’s the United States and there’s Moody’s Bond Rating Service. The United States can destroy you by dropping bombs, and Moody’s can destroy you by downgrading your bonds. And believe me, it's not clear sometimes who's more powerful"''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Thomas L. Friedman, in an interview  with Jim Lehrer on ''Newshour'', PBS television, Feb. 13, 1996).

The two top bond-rating agencies in the industry are Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s (S & P), although there are other rating agencies such as Fitch, Pacific Credit Rating, Baycorp Advantage, and Dominion Bond Rating Service. These agencies rate the bonds of corporations by assigning them different letter codes. Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s for the most part have the same ratings but the numbers are different. For example, S & P rates AAA as the best type of bond and C as the lowest, while Moody’s rates Aaa as being the highest and D as the lowest. The different letter codes represent bonds which are of investment quality and bonds which are considered low quality, also known as junk bonds. Investment grade bonds are those which are rated higher than Baa (Moody’s) or BBB (S&P) and are considered to be of high quality. These bonds have the lowest amount of risk because the company is in good financial health. Junk bonds are the lowest rated bonds and have ratings of Caa/CCC or lower. These bonds have a great amount of risk involved because even the future in the short-term for these companies is uncertain.
==Introduction: credit ratings and rating agencies==
The term "credit" is used in this context in its sense of trustworthiness, and refers to the extent to which its subject can be trusted to be willing and able to comply with the terms of a financial contract. Assessments of individual creditworthiness (usually stated as "credit scores") are not undertaken by organisations known as credit rating agencies, and are not further referred to in this article.

The rating process begins when a company submits an application to the rating agency such as Moody’s, Fitch, or S&P. The request for a rating is usually made several weeks before the company is ready to issue new bonds. In order for the rating agencies to perform their review and analysis, they need to be provided with certain documentation. This includes the preliminary official statement, last audited and unaudited financial statements, the latest budget information, capital outlay plans, all legal documents relating to the security for the bonds, and any other documents related to the issuance of the bonds. After the analysis has been completed a credit report is presented before a rating committee and a rating is assigned and released to the issuer. 
Credit rating agencies assess the creditworthiness of the issuers of [[debt instrument]]s, including [[bond]]s issued by corporations and governments and [[mortgage]]s and their [[derivative]]s, and they express their findings as alphabetically-coded "rating"  categories  such as AAA, AA, and BB. Credit ratings have been presented by the issuing agencies as statements of opinion, implying the absence of any legally-enforceable commitment to their reliability.  

Bond ratings also affect the bonds yield or the amount of return that an investor can expect on the bond. A bond which is highly rated typically has a lower yield because the issuer does not have to offer a high coupon rate in order to attract investors. This is because the high bond rating tells the investor that the company is less likely to default than most other companies. A bond which is rate lower typically has a higher yield because investors demand extra incentive to compensate for the higher risk which is involved.  This extra incentive comes in the form of default risk premiums. Default risk premiums are an additional amount that borrowers must pay in order for investors to assume the higher risk. Since 1970, an average of 3.45% of speculative-grade issuers have defaulted per year, compared with just 0.05% of investment-grade issuers. Since 1983, average one year default rates rose from 0.0% for Aaa to 12.2% for B3.  
The [[/External Links#The major rating agencies|major credit rating agencies]] are located in the United States and are regulated by the United States [[Securities Act of 1933#regulation|Securities and Exchange Commission]]  They undertake "solicited ratings" for a fee at the request of the issuers of debt instruments, basing their assessments upon data supplied to them by the issuers. They also undertake unsolicited assessments at their own expense, using published data. Their credit ratings are freely available to investors.

Bond ratings are important because companies do default and when they do investors can lose a lot of money. There have been instances where companies have defaulted on hundreds of millions worth of bonds. AmeriServe Food Distribution Inc. defaulted on $200 million in junk bonds leaving investors with a loss of $160 million.   Bond ratings are essential to the investor because they are an indicator of the default risk involved in purchasing certain bonds. With the ratings investors can make informed decisions on whether or not to purchase certain bonds.
==The rôle of the agencies==
As the light-hearted opening quotation implies, the credit rating agencies exert a powerful influence upon the financial system. Views differ concerning the source of that power, however. According to a spokesman of the United States Department of the Treasury it arises from the fact that rating agencies solve a basic market failure by providing  information about the borrower that a lender would otherwise be unable to obtain. Especially in the capital markets, where a lender is likely purchasing just a small portion of the borrower’s debt in the form of a bond or asset-backed security – it can be inefficient, difficult and costly for a lender to get all the information they need to evaluate the credit worthiness of the borrower. In the absence of credit ratings,  lenders would not lend as much as they could,  and borrowers would have to offer higher rates to offset uncertainty. <ref>[ Michael S. Barr, Assistant Secretary-Designate for Financial Institutions, U.S. Department of the Treasury; Testimony before Hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Examining ''Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies'', Wednesday, August 5, 2009]</ref>. But, according to an eminent Professor of Law, they do not so much provide the market with information, so much as reflect the information that it already has; and they are not widely respected among sophisticated market participants. Several studies have indicated that the market anticipates ratings changes <ref>eg;  L. Macdonald Wakeman: ''The Real Function of Bond Rating Agencies'',  Modern Theory of Corporate Finance, 391 1984]</ref><ref>[ Jonathan R. Macey, testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services on The Credit Rating Agency Duopoly Relief Act of 2005, November 29, 2005]</ref>.  (The fact that ratings are correlated with actual default experience – does not alter that conclusion because ratings can be both correlated with default and have little informational value ) <ref>[ Frank Partnoy: ''How and Why Credit Rating Agencies are Not Like Other Gatekeepers'', San Diego Legal Studies Paper No. 07-46, University of San Diego School of Law, 2006]</ref>. Professor Partnoy believes that their influence stems almost entirely from their rõle in the regulatory system. Since 1973 credit ratings have been incorporated into hundreds of regulatory decisions, including decisions affecting securities, pensions, banking, real estate, and insurance. Some businesses are not permitted to hold [[asset (finance)|assets]] rated below stipulated grade, and others are required to  maintain [[reserve ratio]]s that depend upon the ratings of their assets. Large numbers of businesses are consequently dependent upon recognised credit ratings to enable them to raise money on terms that they can afford
<ref>[ Lawrence J. White: Testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs hearing: ''Examining Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies'', Wednesday, August 5, 2009]</ref>. There is evidence that all types of rating announcements – outlooks, reviews and rating
changes, whether positive or negative – have a significant impact on the risk premiums that are embodied in the interest rates on [[bond]]s (as reflected in the prices of [[credit default swap]]s)
<ref>[ Fabian Dittrich:  ''The Credit Rating Industry: Competition and Regulation", Inaugural dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln 2007]</ref>.

Comparing different rating agencies
==Rating performance==
Ratings S&P Moody’s Default Rate%
The rating agencies claim that their ratings have performed well on the whole,  but a survey of their performance over the period 1979-99 found that they had systematically failed to anticipate currency crises and that nearly half of all defaults were linked with a currency crisis.
Highest Quality AAA Aaa .52
<ref>[ Carmen M. Reinhart''Default, Currency Crises and Sovereign Credit Ratings'', NBER Working Paper No. W8738, January 2002]</ref>, and a 2001 survey of 100 bond managers found that only 29% of them believed that the agencies  updated their ratings in a timely manner,
High Quality AA Aa 1.31
<ref>[ Sattar A. Mansi and Sattar A. Mansi: ''Assessing Credit Rating Agencies by Bond Issuers and Institutional Investors'', Table 9, June 18, 2001]</ref> . Since then there have been several dramatic  [[/Timelines#Defaults of rated corporations|defaults of rated corporations]].
Upper Medium Quality A A 2.32
Medium Grade BBB Baa 6.64
Somewhat speculative BB Ba 19.52
Low grade Speculative B B 35.76
Low grade default possible CCC Caa 54.38
Low grade partial recovery
Possible CC CA 59
Default  recovery  unlikely C C 60 go to this website. This website compare the historical yields for 5, 10 15, and 20 default rate.
A report to a Senate Committee on the 2001 collapse of the Enron Corporation commented that
:"The credit rating agencies... failed to warn the public of Enron’s precarious situation until a mere four days before Enron declared bankruptcy. Until that time, the rating agencies gave Enron an "investment grade" rating, which indicated that Enron was creditworthy and its bonds were a safe investment .. because they did not exercise the proper diligence [and]...did not sufficiently consider factors affecting the long-term health of the company" <ref>[ ''Financial Oversight of Enron: The SEC and Private-Sector Watchdogs'', Report of the Staff to the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs October 8, 2002]</ref>.
- and other failures that have been reported, include the failure to anticipate the 2002  [[/Timelines#2002.|collapse of WorldCom]] <ref>[ Claire A. Hill: ''Regulating the Rating Agencies'', Washington University Law Quarterly, Vol. 82, p. 43, 2004]</ref>.

  Robert Brokamp (2008) “What is a Bond?”
<ref>[ Ashok Vir Bhatia: ''Sovereign Credit Ratings Methodology: An Evaluation'', Working Paper WP/02/170, International Monetary Fund, October 2002]</ref>
  Alex Tajirian (2007) “Cost of Borrowing & Rating Agencies”
  Chris Stallman (1999) “Bond Ratings
  Bill Lockyer (2007) “The Credit Rating Process”
  Fidelity Investments
  Ross, Westerfield, & Jordan (2008) Essentials of Corporate Finance

During 2007 and 2008 the Standard and Poor agency downgraded more than two-thirds of its investment-grade
ratings, and the  Moodys agency  downgraded over 5,000 mortgage-backed securities, precipitating the [[subprime mortgage crisis]] and contributing to the [[crash of 2008]]. Those failures were referred  to by the chairman of a Congressional Committee as a "story of colossal failure"
<ref>[ Opening Statement of Rep. Henry A. Waxman to the Committee On Oversight and Government Reform's Hearing on the ''Credit Rating Agencies and the Financial Crisis'', October 22, 2008]</ref>, and the President of Standard  and Poor acknowledged that "the historical data we used and the assumptions we made significantly underestimated the severity of what has actually occurred"<ref>[ Deven Sharma: testimony before the United States House Of Representatives Committee On Oversight And Government Reform, October 22, 2008]</ref>. A former Director of Moodys has attributed their misconduct to a drive to retain market share in face of attempts by the major banks to play each agency off against the others - a tactic knows as "ratings shopping"<ref>[ Jerome S. Fons: testimony before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, October 22, 2008]</ref>. (The [[originate and distribute]] policy that had been adopted by the banks would have given them a strong incentive to get good ratings for their [[Collateralised debt obligation|CDOs]] that they were attempting to sell.) And Standard and Poor's technical shortcomings were attributed by a former senior executive to its use of outdated models
<ref>[ Frank L. Raiter testimony before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, October 22, 2008]</ref>. Errors have also been attributed to their acknowledged  failure to verify the data provided to them by their clients
<ref>[ Testimony  of Professor John H Coffee, given before the United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on ''Examining Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies'', Wednesday, August 5, 2009]]</ref>.
: ''a further analysis of the rating agencies' [[/Addendum#Credit rating errors|credit rating errors]] is available on the addendum subpage''

==Systemic influence==
Some observers consider it likely that the credit rating agencies contribute to the instability of the international financial system by increasing [[systemic risk]]. Amadou Sy, the Deputy Division Chief  at the International Monetary Fund Institute has commented that
:''Credit ratings increase [[systemic risk]] and may be [[procyclical]], helping fuel investments in 'good times' and accelerating market losses in 'bad times'. CRAs can increase systemic risk through unanticipated and abrupt downgrades. They may also increase procyclicality. Such rating crises can lead to large market losses, fire sales and a dry-up of liquidity, and have knock-on effects on a number of systemically important market participants, either through contractual arrangements or investment practice.''<ref name="Sy"> Amadou N R Sy: ''The Systemic Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies and Rated Markets'', World Economics, October-December 2009</ref>.

==Legal liability==
Until November 2012, the ratings agencies had escaped legal liability for their errors in actions for negligence on the grounds that their ratings are expressions of opinion that are protected by constitutional safeguards on free speech, and that it would be imprudent for an investor to rely solely upon them. That argument was rejected by the Federal Court of Australia in their ruling of 5th November 2012 against Standard & Poor's
<ref>[ ''Crisis in ratings land?'', The Economist, 10 November 2012]</ref>. There is to be an appeal.

==Regulation of the agencies==
A 2008 report by the staff of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission identified a number of shortcomings in the procedures used by the three largest agencies<ref> ''Summary Report of Issues Identified in the Commission Staff’s Examinations of Select Credit Rating Agencies'', United States Security and Exchange Commission, July 2008[]</ref> and contained a list of recommended remedial measures.  The features of the present situation that are under review include:
* the embodiment of credit rating requirements in legislation;
* the rating agencies' immunity from legal action for negligence;
* the absence of a duty to exert "due diligence" in verifying data supplied by applicants for rating;
* the conflict of interest arising from the fact that ratings are paid for by the rated businesses.
* the practice of "ratings shopping";
* limitations upon the powers of the Securities and Exchange Commission (including provisions that bar the Securities and Exchange Commission from concerning itself with the methodology and substance of ratings);
* the conditions required by that Commission for their designation  of agencies as "Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations" (NRSROs)<ref>[ ''Amendments to the Rules Relating to the Oversight of Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations'', Securities and Exchange Commission, November 2009]</ref>, including:-
* the lack of transparency of the data and methods of analysis used by the agencies; and,
* the regulatory barriers to entry that are believed to be responsible  for the dominance of Standard and Poor and Moodys.
Amadou Sy has commented that the proposals are of an exclusively microprudential nature, and that they overlook the broader issue of systemic financial stability<ref name=Sy/>.

==Notes and references==
Works Cited List
1. Ross, Westerfield, & Jordan. (2008). Essentials of Corporate Finance (6th ed.)
2. Chris Stallman (1999). Bond Ratings. Financial Content.

3. Bill Lockyer (2007). The Credit Rating Process. Public Finance Division.

4. Robert Brokamp (2008) “What is a Bond” Bond Center

5. Alex Tajirian (2007) “Cost of Borrowing & Rating Agencies” Finance Channnel

Revision as of 05:02, 26 October 2013

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A credit rating agency provides independent assessments, in the form of credit ratings, of the probability of default of companies, governments and the providers of a wide range of financial instruments. Credit ratings have a major impact on the availability and cost of credit for borrowers. Following the discovery of shortcomings in 2008, revisions to the methods of regulating the agencies are under consideration.

"There are two superpowers in the world today in my opinion. There’s the United States and there’s Moody’s Bond Rating Service. The United States can destroy you by dropping bombs, and Moody’s can destroy you by downgrading your bonds. And believe me, it's not clear sometimes who's more powerful"
      (Thomas L. Friedman, in an interview with Jim Lehrer on Newshour, PBS television, Feb. 13, 1996).

Introduction: credit ratings and rating agencies

The term "credit" is used in this context in its sense of trustworthiness, and refers to the extent to which its subject can be trusted to be willing and able to comply with the terms of a financial contract. Assessments of individual creditworthiness (usually stated as "credit scores") are not undertaken by organisations known as credit rating agencies, and are not further referred to in this article.

Credit rating agencies assess the creditworthiness of the issuers of debt instruments, including bonds issued by corporations and governments and mortgages and their derivatives, and they express their findings as alphabetically-coded "rating" categories such as AAA, AA, and BB. Credit ratings have been presented by the issuing agencies as statements of opinion, implying the absence of any legally-enforceable commitment to their reliability.

The major credit rating agencies are located in the United States and are regulated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission They undertake "solicited ratings" for a fee at the request of the issuers of debt instruments, basing their assessments upon data supplied to them by the issuers. They also undertake unsolicited assessments at their own expense, using published data. Their credit ratings are freely available to investors.

The rôle of the agencies

As the light-hearted opening quotation implies, the credit rating agencies exert a powerful influence upon the financial system. Views differ concerning the source of that power, however. According to a spokesman of the United States Department of the Treasury it arises from the fact that rating agencies solve a basic market failure by providing information about the borrower that a lender would otherwise be unable to obtain. Especially in the capital markets, where a lender is likely purchasing just a small portion of the borrower’s debt in the form of a bond or asset-backed security – it can be inefficient, difficult and costly for a lender to get all the information they need to evaluate the credit worthiness of the borrower. In the absence of credit ratings, lenders would not lend as much as they could, and borrowers would have to offer higher rates to offset uncertainty. [1]. But, according to an eminent Professor of Law, they do not so much provide the market with information, so much as reflect the information that it already has; and they are not widely respected among sophisticated market participants. Several studies have indicated that the market anticipates ratings changes [2][3]. (The fact that ratings are correlated with actual default experience – does not alter that conclusion because ratings can be both correlated with default and have little informational value ) [4]. Professor Partnoy believes that their influence stems almost entirely from their rõle in the regulatory system. Since 1973 credit ratings have been incorporated into hundreds of regulatory decisions, including decisions affecting securities, pensions, banking, real estate, and insurance. Some businesses are not permitted to hold assets rated below stipulated grade, and others are required to maintain reserve ratios that depend upon the ratings of their assets. Large numbers of businesses are consequently dependent upon recognised credit ratings to enable them to raise money on terms that they can afford [5]. There is evidence that all types of rating announcements – outlooks, reviews and rating changes, whether positive or negative – have a significant impact on the risk premiums that are embodied in the interest rates on bonds (as reflected in the prices of credit default swaps) [6].

Rating performance

The rating agencies claim that their ratings have performed well on the whole, but a survey of their performance over the period 1979-99 found that they had systematically failed to anticipate currency crises and that nearly half of all defaults were linked with a currency crisis. [7], and a 2001 survey of 100 bond managers found that only 29% of them believed that the agencies updated their ratings in a timely manner, [8] . Since then there have been several dramatic defaults of rated corporations.

A report to a Senate Committee on the 2001 collapse of the Enron Corporation commented that

"The credit rating agencies... failed to warn the public of Enron’s precarious situation until a mere four days before Enron declared bankruptcy. Until that time, the rating agencies gave Enron an "investment grade" rating, which indicated that Enron was creditworthy and its bonds were a safe investment .. because they did not exercise the proper diligence [and]...did not sufficiently consider factors affecting the long-term health of the company" [9].

- and other failures that have been reported, include the failure to anticipate the 2002 collapse of WorldCom [10].


During 2007 and 2008 the Standard and Poor agency downgraded more than two-thirds of its investment-grade ratings, and the Moodys agency downgraded over 5,000 mortgage-backed securities, precipitating the subprime mortgage crisis and contributing to the crash of 2008. Those failures were referred to by the chairman of a Congressional Committee as a "story of colossal failure" [12], and the President of Standard and Poor acknowledged that "the historical data we used and the assumptions we made significantly underestimated the severity of what has actually occurred"[13]. A former Director of Moodys has attributed their misconduct to a drive to retain market share in face of attempts by the major banks to play each agency off against the others - a tactic knows as "ratings shopping"[14]. (The originate and distribute policy that had been adopted by the banks would have given them a strong incentive to get good ratings for their CDOs that they were attempting to sell.) And Standard and Poor's technical shortcomings were attributed by a former senior executive to its use of outdated models [15]. Errors have also been attributed to their acknowledged failure to verify the data provided to them by their clients [16].

a further analysis of the rating agencies' credit rating errors is available on the addendum subpage

Systemic influence

Some observers consider it likely that the credit rating agencies contribute to the instability of the international financial system by increasing systemic risk. Amadou Sy, the Deputy Division Chief at the International Monetary Fund Institute has commented that

Credit ratings increase systemic risk and may be procyclical, helping fuel investments in 'good times' and accelerating market losses in 'bad times'. CRAs can increase systemic risk through unanticipated and abrupt downgrades. They may also increase procyclicality. Such rating crises can lead to large market losses, fire sales and a dry-up of liquidity, and have knock-on effects on a number of systemically important market participants, either through contractual arrangements or investment practice.[17].

Legal liability

Until November 2012, the ratings agencies had escaped legal liability for their errors in actions for negligence on the grounds that their ratings are expressions of opinion that are protected by constitutional safeguards on free speech, and that it would be imprudent for an investor to rely solely upon them. That argument was rejected by the Federal Court of Australia in their ruling of 5th November 2012 against Standard & Poor's [18]. There is to be an appeal.

Regulation of the agencies

A 2008 report by the staff of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission identified a number of shortcomings in the procedures used by the three largest agencies[19] and contained a list of recommended remedial measures. The features of the present situation that are under review include:

  • the embodiment of credit rating requirements in legislation;
  • the rating agencies' immunity from legal action for negligence;
  • the absence of a duty to exert "due diligence" in verifying data supplied by applicants for rating;
  • the conflict of interest arising from the fact that ratings are paid for by the rated businesses.
  • the practice of "ratings shopping";
  • limitations upon the powers of the Securities and Exchange Commission (including provisions that bar the Securities and Exchange Commission from concerning itself with the methodology and substance of ratings);
  • the conditions required by that Commission for their designation of agencies as "Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations" (NRSROs)[20], including:-
  • the lack of transparency of the data and methods of analysis used by the agencies; and,
  • the regulatory barriers to entry that are believed to be responsible for the dominance of Standard and Poor and Moodys.

Amadou Sy has commented that the proposals are of an exclusively microprudential nature, and that they overlook the broader issue of systemic financial stability[17].

Notes and references

  1. Michael S. Barr, Assistant Secretary-Designate for Financial Institutions, U.S. Department of the Treasury; Testimony before Hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Examining Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies, Wednesday, August 5, 2009
  2. eg; L. Macdonald Wakeman: The Real Function of Bond Rating Agencies, Modern Theory of Corporate Finance, 391 1984]
  3. Jonathan R. Macey, testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services on The Credit Rating Agency Duopoly Relief Act of 2005, November 29, 2005
  4. Frank Partnoy: How and Why Credit Rating Agencies are Not Like Other Gatekeepers, San Diego Legal Studies Paper No. 07-46, University of San Diego School of Law, 2006
  5. Lawrence J. White: Testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs hearing: Examining Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies, Wednesday, August 5, 2009
  6. Fabian Dittrich: The Credit Rating Industry: Competition and Regulation", Inaugural dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln 2007
  7. Carmen M. ReinhartDefault, Currency Crises and Sovereign Credit Ratings, NBER Working Paper No. W8738, January 2002
  8. Sattar A. Mansi and Sattar A. Mansi: Assessing Credit Rating Agencies by Bond Issuers and Institutional Investors, Table 9, June 18, 2001
  9. Financial Oversight of Enron: The SEC and Private-Sector Watchdogs, Report of the Staff to the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs October 8, 2002
  10. Claire A. Hill: Regulating the Rating Agencies, Washington University Law Quarterly, Vol. 82, p. 43, 2004
  11. Ashok Vir Bhatia: Sovereign Credit Ratings Methodology: An Evaluation, Working Paper WP/02/170, International Monetary Fund, October 2002
  12. Opening Statement of Rep. Henry A. Waxman to the Committee On Oversight and Government Reform's Hearing on the Credit Rating Agencies and the Financial Crisis, October 22, 2008
  13. Deven Sharma: testimony before the United States House Of Representatives Committee On Oversight And Government Reform, October 22, 2008
  14. Jerome S. Fons: testimony before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, October 22, 2008
  15. Frank L. Raiter testimony before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, October 22, 2008
  16. Testimony of Professor John H Coffee, given before the United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on Examining Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies, Wednesday, August 5, 2009]
  17. 17.0 17.1 Amadou N R Sy: The Systemic Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies and Rated Markets, World Economics, October-December 2009
  18. Crisis in ratings land?, The Economist, 10 November 2012
  19. Summary Report of Issues Identified in the Commission Staff’s Examinations of Select Credit Rating Agencies, United States Security and Exchange Commission, July 2008[1]
  20. Amendments to the Rules Relating to the Oversight of Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations, Securities and Exchange Commission, November 2009